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-Interviewer: So we've been seeing some paparazzi pictures of you with this new girl for quite a while now. Are you and this mysterious girl together?

-His response: I met Y/N a few months ago at one of my shows, and I could not stop thinking about her for a while, so the guys and I sneakily found ways to find her on social media and after a while of searching, we finally found her. I know it might sound odd, the process we went through, but it was so worth it. We have been happily dating ever since and I am so glad that we can finally be public with our relationship. We have both wanted to come out and say it for a while but we did not know when the right time would be and no one had asked us. So I guess now the whole world knows. 


-Interviewer: You and Y/N posted on social media the other day about celebrating one year together. A lot of interviewers have not asked you a lot of questions about her for privacy reasons, but would you mind giving us some details about your relationship? 

-His response: Y/N makes me so happy. This past year with her has been one of the best years of my life. I am still learning new things about her and still falling in love with her every day. She brings out the best in me. Even though we have been on tour for most of the year, we still talk everyday and she visits me every once in a while when she is not busy with her school work. A lot of people judge us for posting so many pictures on social media because people think that celebrities should enjoy their privacy, but Y/N and I are just like any other couple. We take pictures all the time, and we let people take pictures of us. We don't care who sees if we are going out for a picnic or taking a trip to the grocery store, I'm glad that people are seeing that we are incredibly happy together. 


-Interviewer: Are any of the songs off of your new album about Y/N?

-His response: Of course, a lot of the songs that we write are about our girlfriends. Who else would they be about? I even write songs about Y/N that aren't on the album, usually the cheesy songs that everyone would cringe at. But she likes keeping them for herself, they are special to her, and she especially loves it when I sing them to her. I always ask her permission first if the songs that we write are good enough because I do not want to write songs that we both agree do not represent our relationship. I want to stay true to our feelings. There has not been a song that she has disapproved of though, so I think I am okay at writing songs for her. 


-Interviewer: You haven't posted any pictures of you and Y/N on social media lately. Are you two doing okay? 

-His response: We're still incredibly happy together. Just because neither of us posts that many pictures of each other, doesn't mean that we are not together. We have been on tour for the past six months, and she has been studying hard at school and hasn't had the time to come to visit me, which is totally fine with me. I love how hard-working she is and our reunion at the end of the tour will be absolutely amazing. When we do get to spend time together, we like to put our phones away and enjoy our time together without technology being a distraction. We really only take pictures when we go out and do something fun, or unless the paparazzi catch us out someone else, and we are totally okay with that. But we are still together and I am still deeply in love with her. 

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