Announcing Your Relationship

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Ashton: He was in an interview with the rest of the boys and the interviewer asked if anyone had a girlfriend. You and Ashton had been secretly dating for about a month and a half but you agreed that if anyone were to ask him about the two of them, he would come out and say that you were in fact dating. And so that is what he did. He shared how long you two have been dating and how you guys met, adding on that you are one of the best things that had ever happened to him, even if you guys had only been dating for a month and a half. The boys began to tease him and he started to blush, but he was glad that he was finally able to share that you were a permanent part of his life.

Michael: You and Michael had been keeping your relationship a secret for a few weeks. You were scrolling through Twitter one day and you realized that Michael Clifford was trending. When you clicked on the tag, you saw endless pictures of Michael with a bouquet of daffodils in his hand, which was the same bouquet that he bought you a few days earlier because you had said that daffodils was your favorite kind of flower. People were tagging Michael in so many tweets, asking him if he now has a girlfriend. You weren't sure if you wanted to publicly announce your relationship just yet, but Michael, who was sitting right next to you, said that he was ready to announce your relationship only if you were comfortable with it. He logged onto Twitter and replied to a few of the tweets, saying that yes, he did in fact have a girlfriend, posting a few cute pictures of the two of you in the process. 

Calum: You two were having a low-key Sunday at your house and you were beginning to crave fast food. You asked Calum if he wanted to go out real quick and get food, and he agreed because his stomach was also grumbling. You were driving in his car with the windows down, listening to the music on the radio pretty loudly and drowning out the sound of your own singing voices. The car came to a stop and you suddenly heard someone exclaim "OH MY GOD IT'S CALUM HOOD" to the right of you. You look out the window and see a couple of girls waving frantically at you, wondering why there was a random girl in Calum's car. Before you know it, they were snapping pictures and videos of you and just like you had worried, they were probably going to end up on social media any moment now. When you got back to your house, you and Calum checked Twitter and Instagram, seeing him trending on both platforms. You guys had been hiding your relationship for a couple of months now and you thought it probably wouldn't hurt to come out and say that you two were dating. 

Luke: You were standing in the front row at one of their concerts looking flawless in a red crop top, high waisted shorts, and your favorite pair of white Converse. No one knew that you were Luke's girlfriend so you were trying your hardest not to look only at him, but he looked so good onstage that you couldn't take your eyes off of him. His eyes caught yours after a while and a large smile appeared his face that was kind of hard to miss. He also thought you looked incredible, maybe it was supposed to distract him in a good way. From that moment on, it was hard for him to look away from you, and it wasn't until they started playing the song "She's Kinda Hot" where he suddenly announced that he would love to dedicate his song to the hottest girl he knows, and then pointed his finger at you. The whole crowd went wild. 

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