He Distracts You

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Ashton: You were trying to focus on studying for an exam that was in two days but you could feel Ashton's eyes staring at you. "Can I help you with something?" you ask him passive-aggressively, your eyes not leaving your textbook. "You have been studying all day" you started to hear him complain, "can you take a break and spend a little bit of time with me?"  You felt bad but you needed to ace this exam to get your grade up. You apologized to him but he did not seem to accept that apology. You were unaware of what he was going to do because you were so focused on your books that you did not realize that he was standing right behind you until you felt his arms wrap around your abdomen. "Babe..." you pleaded, trying not to get distracted. But Ashton would not let go. Instead, you felt his fingers move to your sides as he gently began to tickle you. You immediately started squirming around because you were very ticklish and Ashton knew this. "Come on babe, spend some time with me," he asked again, some giggles coming out of his own mouth. You finally agreed to him through your laughter and grabbed his hands to stop him from continuing to tickle you. You spun your chair around and kissed his lips. 

Michael: You two were once again in a competitive battle of Mario Kart. Michael seemed extra competitive today and tried so many ways to get you to lose. You were on your fourth and final race and he was in front of you, but only by a few seconds. You kept hitting him with red shells and he had quite enough of this nonsense. You were both approaching the finish line and you were still on his tail when all of a sudden you felt a pillow his the side of your body, causing your vehicle to slow down a little bit. "Michael" you warned, "don't you dare". He decided to test your patience again, and you knew it was coming, but you were so focused on trying to finish the race that you momentarily forgot about his attack plan. A few seconds later you felt yet another pillow hit the side of your face just a little harder this time, causing your vehicle to stop almost completely as you tried to gather yourself together. Before you know it, Michael's car was crossing the finish line and he was up in the air jumping for joy, leaving you still on the couch with your arms folded, shaking your head in disgust. 

Calum: You two were at your house watching a romantic comedy that you had recommended. You could tell Calum was starting to get bored with the plotline because he started moving around trying to adjust his comfort. He ended up snuggling into your side, his chocolate brown eyes looking up at you. He played this game before and you knew what was going to happen, so you decided to tease him just a little bit to see what would happen. You kept your eyes focused on the screen, trying hard not to smile as you felt his face getting closer and closer to yours. Soon his nose was inches from your cheek, and you heard a "psst" exit his lips, but you kept on watching the film. You felt his lips touch your cheek, then move down your jawline, his fingers attempting to turn your chin to face him so he could kiss you lips. He was now understanding what game you were trying to play, so he began to kiss your neck, which was one of your turn-ons. He knew you would have a hard time not paying attention to him now, and he was right. You finally gave into his distracting kisses and the movie was soon long gone in your minds. 

Luke: You were writing an analysis for your English class and you were having a hard time trying to find scholarly online sources. You had found a few but you were having trouble concentrating on reading them because you could hear Luke playing guitar in the next room and it was kind of distracting you. You knew he was not going to stop for a while because he just started playing and he has been trying to brainstorm ideas for some new songs. After about a half-hour of trying to block his music out, you gave up, saved your document, shut your computer down, and walked over to the next room where Luke was sitting on your bed. He greeted you with a smile on his face and motioned for you to come and sit next to him. You snuggled up next to him, your head resting on his shoulder, soon falling asleep to the sound of his calming music. 

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