Spending The Night

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Ashton: The rain was pouring down pretty hard outside, and you were not sure when it was going to stop. You checked the weather app on your phone and it said that the storm was supposed to continue all night and into tomorrow afternoon. You felt a vibration come from your pocket so you took out your phone to read a text from your mother that said "Don't bother coming home tonight; I want you to be safe. Stay at Ashton's okay?" You showed Ashton the text but you felt butterflies inside of you because you never spent the night at a boy's house by yourself before. It was getting pretty late and Ashton could tell that you were getting tired, so he picked you up and carried you up the stairs, gently placing you on his bed. He gave you one of his t-shirts to wear and you went to go change in the bathroom. Ashton was already waiting for you with his arms wide open when you got back to his room, and the two of you fell fast asleep. 

Michael: You were suddenly awakened from your sleep by the sound of the credits rolling on the movie that you and Michael had just finished. "Hey sleepyhead" Michael whispered as he kissed the top of your forehead. You asked Michael what time it was and he said that it was 1:15 in the morning. You gasped as you jumped up. "Michael!" you exclaimed, "My parents are going to kill me, you know my curfew is midnight!" Michael grabbed your hand as he sat you back down on the couch, and you were very confused. He told you that he texted your parents about you falling asleep and that you seemed tired all day; he did not feel comfortable with you driving home in the tired state that you were in. To your surprise, your parents agreed and were fine with you staying at Michael's house. Michael told you not to worry as he started another movie to play as background noise as the two of you fell asleep on the couch. 

Calum: Your parents were out of town for the weekend which only meant one thing, Calum could come spend the night at your house. He was at your doorstep less than an hour from when your parents departed with a bunch of goodies, takeout, and a pair of pajamas. The two of you instantly got comfortable in your bed as you turned on Netflix and started devouring the food that was in front of you. The two of you were used to going to bed late, so you got through quite a lot of movies before midnight. You did not want to get out of bed and get ready to go to sleep because you were so comfortable in Calum's arms. "We can just stay like this right?" you asked him. "We don't really have to get into our pajamas do we?" He looked at you and laughed, and instead of getting up out of bed, he snuggled into you closer. 

Luke: You were backstage with the boys after a show one night and you were getting ready to head home. It was quite late so you had hoped the crowd and traffic in the parking lot had died down. You quickly checked your maps app on your phone to see how long it would take you to get home, and even though you only lived a half-hour away, the ETA said you would arrive back home in over an hour. When you examined the roads closer, you noticed that there was a lot of traffic on the highway because of an accident that occurred less than ten minutes earlier. You informed the boys about your predicament and Luke said that you were welcome to stay the night. You made a quick call to your parents, who were fine with your decision, and sat back down in Luke's arm, where you quickly fell asleep. 

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