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Ashton: It was Easter Sunday, and since it was close to your birthday, you usually spent this holiday with your family. Ashton was excited to see everyone and meet your extended family. But of course, with excitement, came anxiety too. You could tell he was nervous in the car ride over when he began tapping his fingers on the steering wheel, something you knew he only does when his heart is beating out of his chest. You put your hand on his thigh and told him that everything was going to be okay. You walked into the party and everyone welcomed the two of you, giving hugs and tight squeezes until you thought you got through everybody. You had a very big family and sometimes it was hard to keep track of everyone. You and Ashton sat down to have a conversation with some of your aunts and uncles, who began to ask a lot of typical relationship questions. "How did you meet?" "How long have you been together?" "Where was your first date?" By the time dinner began, you could tell your family was in love with Ashton, and you could also see that he was genuinely having a great time.

Michael: "On your marks, get set, GO!" Your little cousins scattered around the yard and screamed in excitement with Michael playfully chasing after them. Your family was having the annual Easter egg hunt, something you've looked forward to every year. This was Michael's first year attending since the two of you have only been dating for less than a year. You knew that Michael loved children, so this would be the perfect occasion for him to get acquainted with your family. He was also excited because he knew there would be chocolate involved. You stood next to your cousin as you laughed at how silly Michael was acting. You watched as he tried to jokingly take one of your cousins' eggs, and the next thing you know there were a dozen more children piling on top of him. Michael yelled for help and you rushed to pull the youngsters off of your boyfriend. 

Calum: You and Calum were at the grocery store shopping for Easter-related food for your party later on that evening. So far in the cart, you had Peeps (both the chicks and the bunnies), chocolate eggs, chocolate bunnies, and chocolate-covered strawberries. "You know babe", you started to say, "I know we're grabbing all of this chocolate, but shouldn't we grab healthier items so our guests' dinners don't consist of only sugar?" He chuckled. "It's a holiday. People will find any excuse to only eat chocolate for dinner." The two of you giggled and continued to throw other food into the cart. "Maybe we should just order pizza," he suggested. "Are there any Easter-themed toppings?" You gave him a concerned look. "I hope not, but you know America nowadays, they'll put anything on pizza". Calum gave you a disgusted look. "Eh, maybe not". He replied as he leaned in for a kiss.

Luke: You and Luke were traveling to Australia to be with his family for Easter. Unfortunately, the two of you just found out that your flight had a major delay because of a storm that was approaching. This means you would have to spend the first part of Easter in an airport while you waited for the weather to clear. You were disappointed, to say the least, but Luke, having experienced this kind of bad news before, looked on the bright side. "Hey", he whispered as he lifted your chin so your eyes could meet his. "Everything is going to be fine. My family totally understands the situation, and at least we have each other." He always managed to stay positive; you don't know how he did it. "I guess you're right" you mumbled. "I am getting quite hungry though. Do you mind if we hang out at the food court?" You both heard your stomach grumble. "Of course love. I'll buy you all the food you want." 

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