First Kiss

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Ashton: You both were leaving the coffee shop after having your first date. He walks you to your car on the other side of the street and tells you that we should definitely try out other coffee places together. You both lingered for a moment outside your car before he put his hand on the hood and slowly leaned into you and you reciprocated. Your lips felt this magical touch and you felt his other hand wrap around your waist, pulling you in closer for more. 

Michael: He had found out on your first date that you loved gaming, so your second date was playing video games at your house. You decided to have a little friendly competition and start with Mario Kart, just to show him up front how good you were at gaming. You both were neck and neck coming around the corner of the last round of the race when you got a red shell and threw it at Michael's character, taking him out and landing him in second, placing you in first. You jumped up in victory and Michael pulled you back down into his arms to congratulate you. With your head in his lap, his hand softly grazed your cheek as he leaned down to kiss you.

Calum: You were at his house and he was teaching you how to play the bass. You started out with the simple chords and kept progressing as the hours passed. You had small fingers, so sometimes you were not able to place all of your fingers correctly on the strings to form a chord, but you did not want Calum to see your frustration, so you kept trying even though the tips of your fingers were starting to burn. After a few minutes of consistently trying to hit the chord, you finally heard the sound that was made to come from that chord and your head shot up to meet Calum's with the biggest smile on your face. Without hesitation he grabbed your face to plant a small kiss on your lips, only to have him pull back, shocked at what he did. "Oh my god I'm so sorry, I'm just really happy that you got the chord" he stuttered. "Don't apologize" you replied as you leaned in to kiss him again.

Luke: You were at the dine-in movie theater watching a film that both of you had agreed on at the start of the date. You both had no idea what the movie was about and decided to be spontaneous just to have a little fun, but the title of the film ended up being completely misleading from what the movie was actually about. You and Luke were not enjoying the movie so much. He head turns to look at you and whispers a small "psst". You do not like it when people talk in the movies so you turn your head back at him and put your index finger up against your lips, indicating that you wanted him to be quiet, even though the smile on your face said otherwise. "Oh come on, it's not like you're actually enjoying the movie anyway" he whispered again. For the second time, you turn your head towards him and raise your eyebrows, trying so hard not to smile. You begin to raise your finger again to silently shush him when he lightly grabs your hand, moves it out of the way, and leans his body over so your lips are almost touching. HE stays there, teasing you, knowing  that you want to kiss him. In response, you grab the top of his shirt, pulling it ever so slightly so that his lips could finally meet yours. 

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