He Does Your Hair

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Ashton: You were lying with your head on his chest and his fingers were running through your hair. You were getting close to falling asleep when Ashton asked you if he could put a small braid in your hair while your head was still on his chest. He had some experience braiding hair from when he was younger with his sister so he took a small strand of your long hair and worked away. You could feel his hands continue to work on your hair and you snuggled closer into his chest. You could tell he was done when he lightly patted your back, and you looked up slightly to see the work he did on your hair, and you were quite impressed with how neat it was. 

Michael: You were in a rush to get to work and you began to panic. Michael did not understand why you were freaking out over your hair but you said that if you did not have your hair up into a neat ponytail for work, you would get reprimanded. He got up from your bed and walked over to you and started to lightly rub your back. "What are you doing?" you asked as he grabbed the hair tie off of your dresser. "Hold still" he replied as he pushed the rest of your hair out of your face. You continued to do your makeup while Michael attempted to pick your hair up into a neat ponytail, and it actually looked good considering he did it while you were moving your head around while applying blush. 

Calum: You got up out of bed and walked yourself over to the mirror. You wiped the access make-up off of your face and put your hair up in a messy bun. You did a little touch up before turning around to face Calum, who was watching you in admiration. "How did you do that so fast?" He asked you. You walked back over to the bed and sat down next to him. "There is no specific way to make a messy bun, that's the point" you explained. He gave you a confused look before he asked you if he could try it himself. You took your hair out and gave Calum the hair tie. He pulled you into his lap and tried multiple attempts to put your hair up into a messy bun again. After a few times, he looked quite satisfied and followed up by wrapped his arms around you. 

Luke: You were off to an audition for a play at your local theater and you were supposed to look as young as possible. You were trying to figure out how to wear your hair when you finally settled on pigtails. Grabbing two hair ties, you turned on a YouTube tutorial on how to put your own hair in pigtails but you were having a little bit of trouble. Luke walked into your room and asked you what you were doing. You expressed your frustration and told him that you were trying to put your hair in pigtails but you kept failing at it. You did not understand why you could braid other people's hair so easily but were lost when it came to your own hair. "Why don't I try?" he offered as he sat down beside you, grabbing the majority of your hair in his large hands. He told you to keep your head still he did his very best attempt at pigtails, and to be honest you were pretty impressed with the outcome. 

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