Wisdom Teeth

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Ashton: The two of you were in the car on your way to get your wisdom teeth taken out. Ashton was driving and you were in the passenger seat. You were feeling really nervous about getting them removed because big procedures like this make you nervous. Your leg started shaking violently, but you did not realize until Ashton gently placed his hands on your leg. "I know you're nervous babe, everything is going to be alright," Ashton said to you in a calming voice. You turned to another calming alternative and started biting your fingernails. "Baby..." Ashton said. He took his hand in yours, leaving one hand on the steering wheel. His thumb caressed your hand and you began to feel your breathing go back down to a normal rate. You took a few more deeps breaths in and out before closing your eyes. 

Michael: "Are you sure you want me to film you?" Michael asked with caution. "YES I'm sure!" you replied back to him. Your goal was to become a viral sensation like a lot of other wisdom teeth removal videos that you've seen. Michael just wanted to be sure that you would not regret the decision when you were fully back to normal. The two of you were quietly going back and forth in the waiting room until your name was called to be taken into the office. Michael followed you into the operation room and asked you one more time if you wanted him to film you, and you reassured him that it was totally okay. He also asked permission from the nurse to film, and she agreed. Your procedure was successful, and so was the outcome of the video. It turns out that your sense of humor heightens dramatically when on medication. 

Calum: You were sitting in your living room when Calum walked in, seeming a little discouraged. "Is everything okay babe?" you asked him. It took him a few seconds to respond, and before he spoke he laid his head in your lap, signaling that he wanted you to play with his hair and massage his scalp. He told you that he went to the dentist today for his annual appointment and he was informed that he needs to get his wisdom teeth removed soon. You understood how he felt, considering that your wisdom teeth had recently been taken out a few years earlier. You reassured him that everything was going to be okay and that the surgery will be successful. He was just nervous about how he would look afterward and he did not want paparazzi to take pictures of his puffed-up mouth and cheeks. You promised him that during his week of recovery you will go out and run all of the errands so that he does not have to leave the house except for emergencies, resulting in him giving you a thankful sigh of relief. 

Luke: You were in recovery after getting your wisdom teeth taken out, and it was not going so well. You were in a lot of pain and there was always something you complained about. You tried your best to be less whiny but sometimes you could not help how much pain you were in. You felt bad for Luke because he had been dealing with your negative behavior for the past few days and you did not know how he was not fed up with you yet. But Luke pushed through and was being so compassionate and kind. He went to get food whenever you wanted it, he gave you a lot of massages, kisses, and cuddles, and made sure that he was not going anywhere. You were so thankful for him and promised that you would make it up to him once you have fully recovered. 

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