Meeting Your Family

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Ashton: You and Ashton pulled up to your house and headed inside. Your parents wanted to make a first good impression by making your favorite meal for you and Ashton. He introduced himself to your parents and you were impressed by his manners. The conversation at the table was going really well and flowed smoothly and you could tell that your parents started to take a liking to Ashton. They even invited him to stay for dessert. You knew Ashton was a little nervous about meeting your parents for the first time and you were happy to see that his nerves were put at ease throughout the night. 

Michael: You talked to your parents about Michael all the time but it has been six months and they still haven't met him. They thought it was a good idea to invite him to your twin brother and sister's birthday party, and even though he was quite nervous about meeting a lot of your family at once, he agreed to go with you. You both walked into your house and you were immediately greeted by many family members who started asking question after question about the mysterious boy who was with you. He was a little overwhelmed at first but once you shooed all of your family away temporarily, you talked him down, let him take a few deep breaths, and continued on with your jumbled conversation with your family members. 

Calum: You told Calum when you guys first started dating that your parents divorced a few years after you were born, so you were only living with your mother. She kept asking questions about when she was going to meet this boyfriend that you kept talking about, so with Calum's permission, you let your mother take you and Calum out to a fancy dinner. Calum and your mother were getting along really well and you could tell she was impressed by his manners and how he treats you. When Calum got up to use the restroom, your mother whispered across the table and told you how much she already approves of your new boyfriend and she was incredibly happy to see you happy. 

Luke: You and Luke were watching a movie at your house for the first time. You knew your parents, your older two brothers, and older sister were out at dinner so you had the house to yourselves. "Does this mean that you're going to introduce me to your family when they get home from dinner?" Luke asked nervously. You agreed and told him that there was nothing to worry about because your family was a group of very friendly people. Your older siblings might be a little hesitant at first, but that would only be because you are their baby sister and they are very protective over you. About an hour later you hear the car pull into the driveway and the door opens only a few minutes later with your family carrying in multiple bags of groceries. Luke immediately shot up, walked outside, and helped your family bring in the rest of the groceries that were still in the truck on your family van. Needless to say, Luke made a very good first impression on your family. 

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