He Helps You Study

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Ashton: You warned Ashton that you were not going to be able to spend much time with him for a few weeks because you were going to be very busy studying for your education certification exam that determines whether or not you become a teacher. He felt bad because he knew you have high anxiety when it comes to tests and he wanted to do so much to help you so that you could ace that exam. He texted you early one morning before you began to study for the day and asked if he could come over to help you study for a little while. You looked over his text multiple times wondering if you should respond allowing him to come over. You knew you had been studying for a while and he wanted to spend time with you, so what was there to lose if he helped you for one day? He was over your house within thirty minutes of you responding to him and you two spent the day going over multiple scenarios on your practice exams to help you prepare for your certification exam. 

Michael: You had been avoiding looking at your phone all day because you were too busy studying for your history final that was in a few days. You had missed a few texts and calls from Michael but you were unaware of this, so you were surprised when he walked into your house that afternoon and immediately came to hug you. "I thought something happened to you" Michael explained to you sounding quite concerned. You walked over to the kitchen counter and looked at your phone, immediately apologizing to Michael about missing so many of his calls. You reminded him that you were trying to study for your history final because you hated history and wanted to get as much information as possible memorized so you wouldn't freak out during the exam. Michael understood and asked you if he could help you study. "I do not remember much of what I learned from school but I can ask you questions from your study guide and see how well you do". You had no choice but to agree to his request because he was already at your house but he turned out to be a great help. 

Calum: You woke up early to study for your nursing exam that would determine whether or not you would get into medical school. You planned on studying for this exam for the majority of the day because the exam was next week. You heard Calum start to stir in your bed and turn over to face you. "Babe it's 7:00 in the morning why are you up this early?" he asked you. "I have to continue to study for this exam Calum. Taking this exam determines my future" you replied to him, your eyes not leaving your paper. It took him a few minutes but he finally got out of bed and walked over to where you were sitting, and you could feel his presence over your shoulder. "Can I help you?" you ask, your eyes still not leaving your paper. "Is there any chance you would let me help you study? Just for a little while? If it doesn't seem to work out for you we don't have to continue, but I would hate to see you sitting there all day without anyone to help you". Your eyes looked up at his before hesitantly agreeing to him, wrapping up your books and moving them to your bed to get comfier and stay in Calum's arms while he asked you questions from your books. 

Luke: You walked into the house that you and Luke shared and flopped onto the couch, your head landing in his lap. "Is everything okay love?" he asked you. You took a deep breath before telling him that today your professor at cosmetology school passed out the materials for your midterms that were in a few weeks and these exams determined whether or not you would move onto the next section. You felt his hands move to your head as they started to massage your scalp. He asked you if there was anything he could do to help. You smiled up at him, thankful for him and his offer, and thought that maybe he could help you go over the terms and definitions and maybe even have you practice on his hair and nails. You felt his body move as he chuckled. "Anything to help you ace these midterms Y/N" he offered, bending down to kiss your forehead. 

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