He Leaves For Tour

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Ashton: Today was the day that Ashton was leaving for tour, which means that you wouldn't see him for five months. This was the first time the two of you were doing long distance and you couldn't stand the thought of not seeing him all the time, even though he reassured you that you would FaceTime almost every night before bed. You accompanied him and the rest of the boys to the airport and wouldn't let go of his hand during the car ride there. You wanted to go inside and wait with him for his flight to be called but you weren't sure if that would make it harder for him to say goodbye, so you let him take the lead on this decision. He tugged your hand as he was getting out of the car, and you followed him inside the crowded airport. It didn't take long for his flight to be called, and you could feel the tears start to form in your eyes. He turned around to hug you tight and by then you couldn't hold back the sobbing. He moved his hand up and down along your back and told you that everything was going to be okay. "I love you, baby, so much," he said, his voice beginning to sound shaky. You could barely get out an "I love you too" but Ashton knew that you meant it. The two of you let go of each other and you saw him walk off until he disappeared from your sight. 

Michael: The boys had a really early flight, so Michael convinced you to stay home and get some rest. You were a bit upset but you compromised by making him wake you up to cuddle a half-hour before he left. The two of you set an alarm on both of your phones just to be safe, and you turned around so that you back was facing him so that he could spoon you. His thumb ran over your hand and he whispered small nothings in your ear, telling you how much he was going to miss you while he was on tour. You let a tear slip from your eyes but you thanked God that Michael did not see. He continued to reach over and kiss you face, eventually turning you back towards him so the two of you were facing each other. He took his hand and gently caressed your face as you heard the second alarm go off, signaling that it was time for Michael to get up and head to the airport. You held yourself together pretty well as you hugged Michael goodbye, and he promised you that he would text you as soon as he and the other boys landed. 

Calum: The boys were leaving for the tour this morning but luckily the two of you had enough time to spend with each other before he headed out. You decided to wake up earlier than him and make breakfast for the two of you. You quietly got out of bed and walked into your kitchen, where you made scrambled eggs, applewood smoked bacon and wheat toast with Vegemite. You hoped that Calum would still be in bed by the time you had finished making breakfast, but you were wrong, as you felt two hands snake around your waist just as you were finishing up with the bacon. "Dammit" you teased. "Of course the one day you don't sleep in is the day that I decide to surprise you with breakfast". He let out a small chuckle. "Well apparently we had the same idea, didn't we? Although unfortunately, you seem to have beat me to it." He kissed your forehead. "Good morning by the way" he teased back. The two of you walked back to bed with your food and scrolled through the channels on your television, giving you just enough time to finish watching Legally Blonde before he had to leave for the airport. 

Luke: Tonight Luke had planned to take you out to a nice dinner before leaving for tour. It was a packed night considering that once the two of you finished eating dinner, he was to drop you off back at your house and immediately head to meet up with the rest of the boys to get on the road. The two of you even packed up his car before going to dinner. But you were not going to let the thought of Luke leaving for seven months ruin your evening. He picked you up at your house at exactly 6:00, but he was not telling you where he was taking you. He liked surprising you and spoiling you, and little did you know that he was taking you to your favorite restaurant downtown. The two of you enjoy an amazing dinner and talked to each other about what he is excited about for their tour and what you're looking forward to as you start your new job next week. The time had flown by so fast that you and Luke were almost late to leave. He took you by the hand as he led you back to his car, where he held your hand the whole ride back to your house. Before he left, he got out of the car to give you one last hug and kiss goodbye, and you stood there on the sidewalk until his car turned the corner out of your neighborhood.  

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