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Ashton: You were supposed to spend Christmas with Ashton and his family in Australia, but unfortunately, the two of you were snowed in at your apartment in New York. You could tell Ashton was disappointed, but he was definitely trying to hide it. The morning of, you woke up extra early to decorate and make a special breakfast for him. Luckily, he told you all about his family traditions, so you tried to stick to them as much as possible while you were setting up. You were fortunate enough to finish everything before he came downstairs, and the look on Ashton's face was priceless. He could not believe that you went out of your way to do all of this for him, and he was already looking forward to spending the day with you.

Michael: You woke up by yourself on Christmas day, upset that Michael was not able to join you this year. He was traveling Europe and finishing up his tour with the rest of the guys and he did not have time to visit you for this special day. You were not that hungry when you woke up, so you decided to stay in bed and relax until it was time to make your dinner for one. Your eyes started to drift off and soon enough, you fell back asleep. When you awoke again, you smelled something cooking. A panic set in because you knew you had not started anything before you took a nap, so you ran downstairs to see what was happening. There was Michael, standing in the kitchen, holding the packet of recipe papers you set out the night before. "Hey babe"! He exclaimed as he walked over to you, but you were already in his arms before he could even make it out of the kitchen. "Merry Christmas, my love", he whispered in your ear. 

Calum: The two of you decided to start your own holiday tradition by just being together on Christmas. You slept in and did not worry about making a big breakfast. When the two of you were hungry enough to get out of bed, you went to the kitchen and made chocolate chip pancakes. You opened each other's gifts as you were eating and cuddled by the fireplace afterward. You unintentionally took a nap and when you woke up, it was the perfect time to start making dinner. The two of you did not want to worry about going all out with a big Christmas meal because you both worked so hard the week before, so you just popped some stuff in the oven and watched Netflix until it was ready. Even though the two of you had a lazy day, you were lucky enough to spend it with each other. 

Luke: Christmas was a big deal to your family, and they all wanted to meet Luke for the first time. You were overwhelmed because you knew you had a big family and there was always something that happened every year. You were nervous for Luke, but he seemed fine. If he was nervous, he was hiding it well. The two of you decided to show up fashionably late because you never wanted to be early or on time for these kinds of family gatherings. Everyone greeted Luke with open arms and before anyone started talking to you about marriage and having kids, you went over to hang out with your cousins. Everything seemed to be going fine and you tried not to focus on what was happening around you. By the end of the night, Luke was very satisfied with how the day went, and that's all that mattered. 

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