First "I Love You"

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Ashton: You were having one of your usual coffee shop dates and you were seated in the booth in the back corner of the shop. He was asking you about what you want to do after you graduate college and he was mesmerized by the way your eyes lit up, talking so passionately about your hopeful future. You went on and on until you ran out of breath, which led to you laughing at yourself and apologizing for talking for an endless amount of time and not letting him talk about himself. He paused for a moment. "No please do not apologize" Ashton replied. "I love you and how passionate you get about how you want your life to play out". You cutely bit your lip and sipped more of your coffee to hide your giddy smile.

Michael: You were having, yet another, Mario Kart competition at your house. Michael had a free day to spend with you so the two of you went all out and chose to play all thirty-two races in a head-to-head battle, and the loser paid for dinner. You and Michael had your fair share of wins but now you were on the thirty-second race and your overall scores were almost identical. Whoever won this round would win the whole series, but of course it was the race that you hated the most: Rainbow Road. You started out pretty rough, getting knocked off the track a few times and slipping on some leftover banana peels, but now it was the very last lap and you were in fourth place and Michael was in first. You could practically see the finish line in front of you as your character grabbed the last cube and received a mushroom, which made you push past a few characters and now you were in second place! Unfortunately that would not be good enough as you would fall to Michael who just barely beat you. You slumped back down onto the couch and gave Michael the boo-boo lip, indicating you were jokingly upset. "Aww don't be upset baby" Michael said. "I love you anyway". 

Calum: You both had just gone out to dinner and he was driving you back home. His left hand was on the steering wheel while his right hand was on top of your thigh, his thumb moving back and forth along the fabric of your shorts. You both were singing along to the song that played on the radio and you stared out the window, admiring the stars in the sky. Before you know it, Calum had pulled up to your house and parked along the sidewalk. You turned your head to him, thanked him for dinner, kissed him on the lips, and opened your car door. "Text me when you get home, okay?" You asked. "Of course Y/N" Calum replied. As you turned away to walk to your front door, you heard Calum softly call out "I love you". You paused, a large smile appearing on your face, and turned back around. "I love you too Calum" You said before making your way into your house. 

Luke: You and Luke decided to have a romantic picnic dinner in the park to watch the sun set. You had a blanket all laid out and once you had finished eating, you cuddled into Luke's side to watch the sky turn from day to night. Your conversation went from one topic to another and before you both knew it, hours had passed by and it was completely dark outside with a sky full of bright stars. You could feel yourself falling asleep so you propped yourself up onto your elbows and looked at Luke. You stared into each other's eyes for a few minutes before he asked you a very important question. "You know that I love you right?" A smile formed upon your face. "You do?" You shyly asked back. Luke nodded his head. "I love you too" You said as you leaned in to kiss him passionately. 

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