Kissing In The Rain

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Ashton: The two of you were running back to your shared apartment from your favorite coffee shop. You had not expected the weather to change so suddenly because it was sunny and warm out only an hour earlier, so you and Ashton decided to walk to your favorite coffee shop today just to get a little more exercise. Now that you did not have any form of transportation to use to get back to your apartment, your only option was to run and get soaking wet in the rain. Before you reached your apartment you heard Ashton shout "WAIT" and you whipped yourself back around to face him. He grabbed your waist and pulled you closer to him, kissing your lips passionately. "Sorry," he said, "I've always wanted to do that". And the two of you continued to run. 

Michael: You and Michael had been stuck inside the house all day while the rain continued to pour down. The two of you were supposed to go on a hike today because it was the first time of the season where the weather would reach over seventy degrees, but obviously Mother Nature had different plans. Michael did not like to see you mope around the house so he proposed an idea, but it involved the two of you getting wet. You were always up for something spontaneous but you had no idea what Michael had in store, but you trusted him. He took your hand and pulled you outside, and the two of you began to dance in the rain. You laughed uncontrollably as the two of you sang your favorite slow song, ending the song with a kiss on your lips. 

Calum: The two of you were enjoying a picnic in the park when you noticed the sky was beginning to get a little darker as if it was about to storm. You did not know how much time you and Calum had left until it began to rain, but the two of you stayed put on your blanket in the middle of the park. Calum talked about how much fun tour has been but he also talked about how much he missed you greatly. You were staring so deep into his gorgeous chocolate brown eyes when you felt a raindrop on your hand. You looked up just as another raindrop hit your cheek, and Calum laughed at your reaction to the sudden hit. "Well there is no way we will be able to get you home by the time the storm starts, so why don't we just stay here and enjoy the moment?" Calum offered. You hesitated for a quick moment because you were unaware of how your parents would feel about you coming home soaking wet, but you agreed to Calum's request, and gently kissed his lips and the rain continued to come down from the gray sky. 

Luke: You were attending the wedding of a close friend and Luke was your plus one. The weatherman said that it was not supposed to rain today, but looking at the dreary sky above you, it looked as if it was about to pour any moment now, and the majority of the wedding was outdoors. Before you knew it, raindrops because falling from the clouds at lightning speed, and you could hear all the women in the crowd shouting and rushing for shelter. You and Luke had been caught in a similar predicament before, so the two of you waited for the majority of the crowd to make their way inside the venue to enter yourselves, but just as you were getting ready to stand up, Luke grabbed your hand to sit back down. He grabbed your chin and pulled it closer to his face, your lips gently touching and hoping that no one would see you. Soon enough that small anxiety went away as you and Luke continue to kiss in the pouring rain, not noticing that everyone had already gone inside. 

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