Fall Date

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Ashton: Fall was your favorite season, mainly because of the pumpkin spice flavors that coffee shops offer during this time. Ashton thought it was a good idea to go around to every coffee shop in the area and try their most popular pumpkin spice item on their menu. You were hesitant at first because you didn't know how much coffee your stomach could take and if you even had enough money to pay for all of that coffee, but Ashton offered to pay for everything. You tried everything from lattes to cappuccinos to milkshakes and cupcakes. You and Ashton were both very satisfied with yourselves by the time the day had come to a close. 

Michael: You were cuddling on the couch watching a movie together at your house, but you weren't paying attention to the movie. Your eyes were set on the brightly colored leaves that were falling from the trees and gracefully landing on the ground, creating small leaf-piles in your front yard. Michael noticed that your focus was elsewhere and asked you if everything was okay. Your inner child came out and without hesitation, you told Michael that you wanted to go play outside in the leaves. He chuckled at your response, but he then grabbed the remote, shut off the television, stood up from the sofa and reached out his hand. A small smile formed upon your face and you took his hand in yours and walked outside, the chilly air immediately hitting your faces. 

Calum: You and Calum thought it would be fun to go to a local pumpkin patch and pick out a few pumpkins for yourselves. You picked out a few small pumpkins for your front porch and Calum picked out two big pumpkins so that when you went back to his house, you could have a competition to see who could carve the scariest face into their pumpkin. The night ended with Calum winning the scariest face contest and the both of you covered in pulp and pumpkin seeds. 

Luke: You had never been on a haunted hayride before, and you weren't planning on going on one anytime soon, but Luke thought it would be funny to surprise you and see your reaction. He said he was taking you somewhere fall-themed and blindfolded you before seating you in his car and driving to the local fall fair. When you arrived at your destination, he took the blindfold off your face and you let out a large groan. You were not sure if you wanted to go ahead with this but Luke said that you could cuddle into his side if you ever got scared. Let's just say you spent the entire hayride with your face buried into Luke's shoulder and your hand never letting go of his. 

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