Pillow Forts

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Ashton: You decided to spend the night at Ashton's house because this was the first weekend you had been home for the summer and the band has about a week of rest before going back on tour. You both had been missing each other a lot lately and needed a good amount of time to spend with each other. Tonight, Ashton had a different idea in mind that just cuddling on the couch and watching a movie marathon. He suggested building a pillow fort. Your eyes lit up like a little child as you started to gather different blankets and pillows together for your fort. It took the two of you about an hour to construct your well-build fort but it was so worth it. The two of you snuggled back into your cozy lair and started up Netflix. 

Michael: It was a torrential downpour outside and you and Michael had been stuck in the house for the majority of the day. You did not feel like sitting on your butt all day and you were kind of disappointed that your original plans to go out and explore the town had been canceled because of the unfortunate circumstances Mother Nature put in place. Michael could tell that you were getting bored because you did not seem as competitive while playing Mario Kart, so he asked you if there was anything fun that you would like to do inside the house. You looked around for ideas and after a few minutes of thinking, you raised your eyebrows. "We could build a pillow fort?" you suggested. "I know it's kind of childish but it's something". Michael pulled your head close and gave it a kiss. "Of course baby" he reassured you. And the two of you started to build the pillow fort in your living room, finding any comfy piece of furniture that you could find.

Calum: You were scrolling through Pinterest waiting for Calum to arrive at your house and you had fallen down a deep hole of looking at cute pillow fort ideas. You and Calum were not planning on going out today, so the thought of building your own pillow fort lingered in the back of your mind. You hadn't even noticed that Calum had walked in the room because you were so deep in thought. "What are you looking at that is so much more important than me?" Calum teased. You snapped out of your trance to acknowledge his presence. Before you had the chance to answer, Calum had walked over to where you sat on your bed and glanced at what was on your computer screen. He saw the glint of hope in your eyes and asked if you had string lights anywhere. You sprung up in excited and led Calum over to your closet. For the next few hours, the two of you rearranged your room to make the fort looking aesthetically pleasing, and you were so happy with how it turned out. 

Luke: Recently Luke had spent some time with your extended family. You had quite a handful of cousins that were younger than you, and he noticed that during the family gathering, to keep them out of the adult's business, they were building a pillow fort in the guest room. When the two of you got back to your apartment that night, Luke asked if tonight the two of you could build a pillow fort in your room to sleep in. When you asked him why he said that he and his brothers used to make pillow forts all the time when they were kids and he missed the feeling of being young again. Your heart melted and you took him inside to get your pillow fort started. Your bed was not as big as you had expected but you made the most out of it. You draped the blankets over the bedposts and brought extra pillows from the living room just to make sure the two of you were extra comfy in your fort. 

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