Winter Date

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Ashton: Ashton took you ice skating at one of his favorite rinks. You were hesitant about it at first because you hadn't ice skated in years, and from what you remember, you were horrible at it, but Ashton said that he would never leave your side. You stepped out onto the ice rink and immediately started to wobble and slip, but Ashton took your hand in his and made sure that you stayed close to the wall. Before you know it, you both had made a few laps around the rink without any of you taking a fall on the hard and cold ice. Ashton was so proud of you that he treated you to a nice warm cup of hot chocolate with an extra amount of whipped cream for you after you stepped off the rink. 

Michael: You and Michael hated the cold so you both made sure you were all cuddled up during the snow storm. You made a bunch of snacks and a coffee pot full of hot chocolate and made a pillow/blanket fort on your large sofa in the living room. Even though you did not like how cold it got outside, you and Michael both loved the classic and cheesy Hallmark Christmas movies so you rented a bunch of those and had a very long movie marathon while you both watched the snow fall outside, sooner or later falling asleep in each other's arms. 

Calum: You woke up to a white blanket of snow covering every inch of your backyard. Your face immediately lightened up as you shook Calum awake to let you know how excited you were. Half of his face was covered by a pillow, but his right eye looked up at you. "Y/N why did you feel like it was necessary to wake me up this early on a Saturday?" Calum mumbled through the pillow. "I don't think I'll ever get tired of seeing freshly fallen snow on the ground. I want to go outside and play in it before someone else ruins it." You announced excitedly. Calum perched his head up slightly so that he could fully look at you. "If that's what you want", he replied, "then put on some layers and get your butt outside." You squealed excitedly and got quickly got dressed and dragged Calum outside into the snow. 

Luke: You had always wanted to go snowboarding, and Luke wanted to make sure that he would make your wish come true. He requested to have the weekend off to spend time with you, so for those three days, he took you up to the mountains so you two could go snowboarding. You both put on layers of clothing and suited up for your mini-lesson before actually hitting the slopes. Once the instructor thought you were all ready to go, you and Luke headed over to the beginner's slopes and went down the hill together. There were a few slips and falls here and there but either way, you were so glad that Luke was able to experience this with you. 

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