Chapter 37: American Men

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Ive decided to do a double update because I feel like this and the last chapter are just filler chapters. But I promise this book is gonna start to pick up after this chapter. I'll be updating every Saturday from now on. Remember to comment and vote it means alot to me!

Viola had everyone hold hands to say grace then the Homemade food was passed around.

I was shocked at first because I never have seen the cultural food but I had to remind myself to relax so I don't offend the family. I wasn't a picky eater but I most definitely wont eat something's and honestly eating new food gives me a bit of anxiety.

Reminiscing back to school, I recall how I would easily loose my appetite if someone would talk over my food or if I got hit with nauseating smells from the cafeteria.

Growing up I had a hard time drinking people's drinks where their lips had been or sharing utensils. I have gotten much better at it but I still have to force my mind not to think too much about it when its happening.

Most girls on the hockey team would call me 'stuck up' when I would tell them to fountain my water or I would fountain their water when I drank from it. But I was the last one out of all of them to be considered 'stuck up' and It didn't bother as much when the whole team got Mono Besides me.

"Get the pasta and spread it out on your plate. It'll look like you got alot and no one will wonder".

I smiled Thankfully at Lucia and do as she instructed.

"So Sophia what do you do?"

I turn to one of Giovanni's second cousin's.

"I have a degree in Business but I'm thinking of going back to school for Neonatal nursing".

The table goes quiet and they give me confused looks.

Giovanni puts his fork down, "Neonatal is working with babies in the NICU".

The table is filled with nods as people start to understand.

"Why are you going back to school?"

I turn to Giovanni's mother, "I believe that knowledge is power-"

"Because she couldn't find a job tia".

"Hush Amelia, at least she passed high school", Lucia glares at her.

I smile thankfully, "I want to have a medical background because I feel like I could do a lot more with it. I've always wanted to go on a mission trip so I could use the background to help out at hospitals, orphanages, in villages, anywhere really".

Viola gives me a sad smile, "Ti sfido a farle del male, figliolo".
(I dare you to hurt her, son)

The table erupts in laughter and Giovanni drowns his glass of scotch .


After dinner the house is filled with women washing dishes, wiping down the table, vacuuming and changing diapers.

The men resigned to Giovanni's office where they are smoking and drinking.

"So how are the American men?"

I laugh at Lucia's comment, "what do you mean?"

She rolls her eyes, "Oh come on Sophia! You could have had an American man but you went for my brother so what's wrong with them?"

Sarah the girl with big blue eyes that had kissed my cheek earlier sits to the other side of me.

"I heard they are boring".

Amelia sits next to Lucia, "I heard they had small di-"

"No no no! They are fine-"

Amelia raises her eyebrows, "So you have laid with them before?"

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