Chapter 44: A bunch of Prudes

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*Although I challenged you guys to get 50 votes before Wednesday for an early update, I'm incredibly proud that we did get to 50 votes before Sat. (when I normally update). So I'm gonna treat you guys with early update (although Saturday is only a few hours away lol).

*Also lots of love to those who have been voting on each chapter. You encourage me and make me feel that my book doesn't suck lol. And to the ones who don't vote I love you guys too<3

Not even 10 minutes after the call, Giovanni arrives at my Apartment. This man has the audacity to turn the knob and prance in-well OK fine in his defense we forgot to lock it.

"What did I tell you about locking the door at all times?"

Lucia and I jump and turn around see him standing with his arms crossed.

I laugh, "Oops".

Giovanni shakes his head, "Your safety is not a joke Sophia".

He turns to glare at Lucia who was trying her hardest to be invisible.

"Did you ask permission to leave?"

She bites her lip, "I-I just wanted to spend the night for Sophia's birthday".

Giovanni steps forward irritated, "You what! Speak up your not two".

I glare at him, "Be nice and we thought she could spend-"

He holds a hand up, "I'm asking her not you".

I narrow my eyes so hard all that I could no longer see him but I bite my tongue for the sake of Lucia and the other people in the apartment rooms who don't deserve to hear me yell.

Lucia sits up and looks down, "May I spend the night to celebrate Sophia's birthday?"

Giovanni stares at her then glances at me, "Behave, the both of you and let this be the last time you leave the house without my permission".

Umm who does he think he is to tell me to behave like he was my dad or something. I roll my eyes and turn up the volume to 85. He was getting on my nerves and I don't want to slap someone on my birthday and in front of their sister. I also planned on talking to him about how he treated me yesterday. I was still upset that he made it seem like what Lucia was doing was all my fault.

We had been watching 'The Princess Diary 3' and feasting on some popcorn.

I can tell Giovanni is annoyed by me dismissing him but he doesn't say anything else.

Lace and Sienna show up 20 minutes after with a cake and balloons. Giovanni was on his way out but he heard Sienna say one of her stupid sexual jokes so he won't leave now.

Despite his excuses I know my boyfriend just doesn't want to risk his baby sister being tarnished.

Around 10 pm we pull out sleeping bags and blankets ready for the night and Giovanni resides in my room where he'll spend the night.

Sienna pulls out 'Fifty Shades of Grey', "How about this?"

Lucia's face goes completely red, "I heard it's very sexual...".

Sienna looks up at her then laughs, "I forgot you and Soph are prudes".

I roll my eyes used to her insults.

Lucia's face grows redder, "I am not a prude!"

Sienna slips the movie into the DVD player, "Ok name three positions".

The younger girls face twists into confusion, "Positions for what?"

Sienna shakes her head, "Exactly".

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