Klaus and Elijah Mikealsons, friend?

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Part 5

Warnings: cussing, mentions of blood drinking, and angst?

Summary: You are a Petrova Doppelgänger and a witch. You thought your life was going to be normal until the day you went to your new school; mystic falls high. That day you were kidnapped by the Salvatore brothers and their friends. Only because they wanted information that you didnt have. Through all that they made a deal with two original, so that they can save Elena Gilbert. Along the way of all this you end up falling for both of the brothers but who do you choose?

Your POV

The only thing I remember is Klaus drinking my blood and me passing out from losing too much blood. Right now I feel like shit. My head is busting, the sun is too bright and the sun is burning my skin. My skin is burning? Shit!

I ran to the corner of the unknown room; that had no sunlight. I made myself as small as possible so I would stop burning. I felt relief, until I looked around. This was my room. How did I get here? But than I heard a buzzing noise and it was getting in my nerves. I had no clue where it was coming from but looked over and saw my lamp was on. The lamp I shouldnt be able to hear it. Why the hell can I hear the fucking lamp? Im so confused at the moment. I looked at the lamp with a puzzled look. I was going towards it but jerked back hitting the wall with my arm. I hit the wall hard enough that my picture fell off the wall and shattered. I picked it up and looked at it. It was a picture of my mom and I at Bush gardens in Williamsburg, Virginia.

[Y/n]! I heard someone say from the ball coming towards my room. I could hear the footsteps they were to heavy to be my moms they were a mans foot steps. I listened as someone walked closer and closer to my room. [Y/n] are you okay? I heard the voice ask while opening the door. Looking up I saw Klaus.

What the hell is going on with me?! I asked confused. I was so many things right now. I was confused, pissed off and had a fucking murderous hunger. A hunger Ive never felt in my fucking life! Are you okay? How do you feel? Klaus asked looking at me with a worried look. I dont fucking know, I think there is something fucking wrong with me! I said as I felt tears coming out of my brown eyes. I never cry. I never fucking cry why am I crying now?

What the hell is wrong with me? I asked Klaus clearly distressed. Your in transition, the elixir that Elijah gave to you. It didnt work so my blood saved you. It turned you into a vampire. Youre a vampire, well you will be when you drink some blood. Klaus said with a chuckle.

I was so lost. I didnt think I would really think that I would die, than come back a vampire. I always thought I would die than be human. I would grow old, fall in love, have kids then die. But here after I drink blood. I will be a vampire.

Here. Klaus said as he handed me a bag of blood. O negative. I read off the label. One sip is all it takes. Klaus said with a friendly smile. I took the top off of it slowly. I opened it and smelled it first. I smelt weird but I felt like I should. I put the tube to my mouth and sipped it. Feeling it go down my throat. It tasted like heaven. I moaned than drinker the rest.

I want more. I said looking at Klaus with a serious face. Later but first you need a daylight ring. Klaus said as he looked at the corner I was hiding in. If not youll burn every time you try to get in the sun. Klaus explained looking at me with a smile that played the corner of his lips. I nodded as I watched him lean forwards and kissed my forehead. A smile stretched across my face as he pulled back.

Klaus walked over to my window and closed the black curtains. Than walked to the corner of my room and cut on a lamp so it couldnt be so dark in the room. I watched as he walked back to me and sat down beside me. I leaned against the wooden head board and put my legs under me while I watched him walk over. He came over and sat beside me. Wrapping his arm around my shoulders. I leaned into his touch with a smile. Thank you. I whisper into his chest. For what? He asked pulling me closer and pulling the hair out of my face. For not letting me die, also the blood and for being here for me. I said looking at him with a smile. I would do anything for you. Always remember that. I would do anything for you. I lov- Klaus was about to say something when Elijah walked into the room.

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