Hurt: The Walking Dead

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Shane x Reader where Reader has a ten inch gash on her arm and Hershel must sew it without any type of pain killer (they ran out). Reader is sitting with her face hidden in her good arm. She just wants to pass out but Shane is trying to keep her awake. THANK YOU!! 🥺

Y/n knew she messed up when she had that big gash on her arm. She was bleeding and losing blood fast. She was walking in the woods and a barbwire fence had caught her shirt. She was trying to pull her shirt out when the fence had bit into her arm slicing it down about 10 inches.

She yelled when she did it. Looking down at the gash it was deep. How deep she didnt know out she could fit her pointer finger in the wound.

Shane was watching her from afar. He cared about her and always made sure she was okay when she went out.

He came running to help her. His gun in his hands in case he needed it. When he got to her he noticed she had her shirt ripped and wrapped around her arm. Blood was covering her arm and covering over the ripped shirt.

What happened?

I had a fight with a barbwire fence. Shane looked at her and nodded with a of a soft chuckle coming out.

How bad is the wound? He asked as he started to carefully unwrap her arm to examine the wound.

We need to get you to Hershel. Your losing a lot of blood. The wounds to deep just to wrap it in a shirt. Y/n winced as Shane covered the 10 inch gash wound in her arm.

Im sorry, Baby. He spoke softly.

Its okay.

Shane walked into the living room with y/n beside him telling Hershel what was going on. Hershel unwrapped her arm and looked over the wound.

Your gonna need stitches. But I have some bad news with that. Hershel started. He grabbed a clean rag, alcohol, needle and thread.

I dont have any pain medicine. So, its going to hurt more than it should.

Y/n sighed as Shane looked at her.

Alright, lets get started. Shane wrapped his arm around Y/ns shoulder and watched as Hershel started to stich the wound.

So how did you do this? Shane asked trying to keep y/n awake.

My shirt got caught in the barbwire fence. I tried to pull it out and my arm got caught in it. When I pulled it made the big gash. I knew I shouldnt have pulled because it was making the gash bigger, but I knew if I yelled for help I could have led the dead straight to us or to me. And I wouldnt be able to do anything while I was stuck. Y/n explained wincing every now and then when she felt the needle dig into her arm.

A few minutes later Shane was rubbing her back trying to relax her. Y/n had her head on her good arm, breathing through the pain.

Alright, Im all done. Hershel finished. Tying a knot to keep the stich from coming out.

You did good, honey.

She nodded as she laid her head on his soft shoulder.

Thank you, Hershel. Y/n thanked the older man giving him a soft smile. The pain was there, but not as bad as it had been.

Your welcome. Make sure you keep it clean, try not to do much with that arm. Itll rip the stitches. Y/n nodded as Shane shook the older mans hand. Nodding a thank you to him.

Thank you, Shane. For everything. Shane nodded as he wrapped his arms around her in a hug. -careful not to hurt her arm.

Theres no need to thank me. Theres nothing on this world I wouldnt do for you.

She smiled as she looked into his brown eyes.

I love you. He confessed looking into her soft (y/e/c) eyes.

She smiled as she leaned forwards on her tip toes. Kissing his lips softly.

I love you too.

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