Anxiety: The walking dead

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anonymous asked:

Reader has a anxiety attack and Negan is trying to calm her down. Exhaustion coupled with anxiety makes them pass out in Negan's arms. Their pulse is racing and their skin is super pale and clammy. He is concerned at how fast their heart is beating. He places them on his bed and is periodically checking their pulse/breathing. He's relieved when their pulse starts to slow down. When they wake up, he makes sure they're okay. Fluff please Thank you !!!

Fandom: the walking dead

Pairing: Negan x reader

Request by: anon 🖤

Warnings: anxiety, a cuss word or two, Negan being grossly sweet. Lol

Ever since Y/n woke up this morning she could feel her hands were calmy and were slightly shaking. At first she just blew it off as nerves and went on to do her work.

But as the day went on it got worst. After eating her small breakfast and started doing her work in the factory her whole body started to shake. She felt her chest tighten up as her anxiety hit her. She was like this though. She would get so stressed out her anxiety would flare up. Worse than normal.

She looked around trying to found herself some water. Hoping the water would help her. As she started walking over to the other room to get some water. She got dizzy and light headed almost falling onto the floor, but some had caught her.

Looking up at who had caught her she seen her boss Negan.

You okay there? He was genuinely worried for her. Y/n and him were friends you could say. He was nice to her and made sure she was taken care of. He liked her and she liked him. They would just never tell each other.

Yea-Yeah, Im fine. Just a little light headed. She tried to brush it off as nothing but Negan seen there really was something wrong.

No, your pale and your shaking. He looked at her as he put his hand over her heart. Feeling her heart was beating like crazy.

Come on, you need to go sit down for you pass out. He said not even letting her have a say so in any of it.

Taking her up the stairs towards his room he let her lay in his bed. Y/n looked up at him and smiled. But he saw through the fake smile. He could see the anxiety behind her eyes. He could see that her chest was tight and that she was probably struggling to breath right and not have a shaky breath.

Here, you lay down and Ill go get you something, okay? He asked as he laid her back in the bed. Placing a soft kiss on the top of her head. She nodded as she relaxed as much as she could on his soft silky bed.

A few minutes later he came back in the room with a cold bottle of water and a little bit of food from the kitchen.

He looked at her and saw she was passed out cold. Well at first he was freaking out, but after checking her pulse thanking God that it had slowed down. He placed the bottle of water beside the bed and the medicine on the table.

She slowly started to wake up and smiled when she seen him.

Theres the beautiful girl. He smiled softly.

Sorry I scared you. She apologized with a frown upon her face.

Its okay. I care too much for something to happen to you. Who else do I get to mess with while their working? He teased.

She giggled as he wrapped her in a hug.

Thank you. For everything. She thanked Negan with a greatful smile.

No need to thank me, Y/n. I know I seem like an asshole. Well, let me reprace that. I am an asshole and a dick. But I would never let anything happen to you. I like you. And not just as a friend, but I like you, like you. More than a friend. She smiled and blushed softly.

Well, its a good thing I like you too. She blushed when she seen him smirk.

He leaned down towards her and caught her lips and a soft kiss. After a second he pulled back.

I love you. He confessed, putting his forehead against hers.

I love you too. Kissing his cheek and resting against his chest. That is where they stayed for a little while. Just enjoying the others presence.

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