Dating Sam Winchester would include. . .

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always being there for Sam and him being there for you

Doing small dates when there is a free time, but they are rudely interrupted by Dean or demons sometimes

patching up both his and Deans wounds when they are hurt

him taking care of you when your hurt

using his flannels as Pjs

him teasing you about your height

researching together

having lots of Harry Potter marathons

him trying to make you healthier

forehead kisses

playing with your hair while you two cuddle

him letting you braid his hair if you promise not to tell Dean about it

sleeping on his chest

him being super protective of you

teasing him around the bunker when Dean is out

calling him moose when he is standing in front of you

him calling you princess, honey, sweetheart and baby when he wants something

usually when Dean isnt in the Bunker or in the hotel room hell ask for cuddles and if he doesnt hell whine

reading together when you both have free time

Dean being like a big brother to you

calling Dean squirrel when he gets on your nerves

before Sam and Dean met you, you were already a hunter

meeting Sam and Dean when during a Case near their home

saving both Dean and Sams ass from three demons during the case

Dean being shocked when you were flirting with Sam and not him

Sam and Dean being very thankful when you bail them out of Jail

Keeping them out of trouble

Finding what they need for a job very quickly

driving your own car when you feel like it

Dean being shocked when he sees your car. . . Which is a black 1969 Chevrolet Camaro SS which is a very nice car

Sam getting angry when Dean flirts with you, which leads to him showing you who you belong to

Dean Flirting with you just to piss Sam off

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