Back from the Dead: Dean Winchester

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Fandom: Supernatural

Dean x reader, Father! Bobby x reader, friend! Sam X reader, friend! Castiel x reader.

2,680 words:

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With a deep gasp she woke up. It was dark, and hot. She felt like she was in a hot box. She couldn't see anything nor could she hear anything other than her harsh breathing. She tried to move around the small space, searching with her hands to look for something to have a source of light. She patted her pants pocket and grabbed her zippo Lighter from her pocket. Lighting the lighter she could see just a little bit. She was in a coffin. Why was she in a coffin? She banged on the top of the coffin. Small specks of Dust and dirt coming through the cracks. She continued pounding on the lid and tried pushing it up. She closed the zippo lighter, putting it back into her pocket using both hands to push on the lid of the coffin. She felt the dirt loosen as she continued to push it.

Slowly she got the coffin to open and started climbing out. She had gotten her right hand out of the grave trying to pull herself out. She slowly grabbed the ground, her nails dug into the mud. She pulled herself up, her hold body now out of the shallow grave.

Her eyes barely adjusted to the sunlight as she tried to look around. She couldn't talk her voice horsed. She looked around, it looked like a storm went through there. Tree branches were thrown all over the place, the field she was in empty. To her right was a dirt road, to her left was a wooden area. She looked down at herself and she saw what she was wearing. Her black tanktop, her gray and black flannel, blue jeans and her steel toe boots. She was covered in dirt, blood and mud. Her hair down looking like a hot mess. Dirt and blood in her hair. She didn't know what was going on. She didn't know where she was, but she knew nobody was going to be around there. It was isolated. It seemed like nobody had been there in a really long time. She looked at her shallow grave and saw a cross made by two sticks in the ground, that seemed to be the only thing that lasted in the storm.

She tied her knotty hair up and started walking down the dirt road. She started down the dirt road as the hot sun beating down on her. She peeled her Flannel off her sweaty body tying it around her waist. It was hot and humid it had to be in the high 80's or 90's. She was thirsty, she could tell she hadn't had anything to drink in a long time. She made it to an intersection looking down the pavement road, saw something that gave her hope. A small gas station.

She started walking down the pavement road towards the small gas station. She could see gas pumps in front of the building. She could see the small white house with the red roof, that must have been a store. Once she got to the gas station, there wasn't anyone around. She went to open the door to the gas station. The screen door was unlocked, but the glass door behind the screen door was locked. She rolled her (Y/E/C) eyes, she took her flannel off wrapping her hand up in it and punched the glass in. With her hand still wrapped in the flannel she unlocked the door. Inside it was like nothing had happened. The storm hasn't even touched the inside, but outside was trashed.

She looked around for a sign of anyone. "Hel-?" Her voice cracked. "Hello?" She hoarsely called out. She looked around when she found a cooler with water bottles in it. Rushing over to the water, She opened the first one she could get her hands on. Chugging the water she felt somewhat relief. Taking the water bottle with her she walked around looking for a phone. She didn't see one inside so she went outside looking for a Phone. She found one putting two quarters in the payphone, calling the person she thought and hoped would pick up. Who better than her father. She heard the phone ring when she heard her fathers voice on the other side of the phone. "Bobby Singer, who's callin'" His deep voice made her smile. "Dad, its me. It's Y/n." She said her voice shaky and horsed. "Whoever the hell you are, you aint my daughter. My daughter has been dead for 5 years." He said as he was hanging up. "Dad, no listen to me please." She said as her voice was cracking. She was so confused, how is she dead? When did she die? How come she doesn't remember dying?

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