Nightmare; The hunger games

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anonymous asked:

Hi !!! Hamitch x Reader? Reader (who is a victor of one of the previous games) doesn't sleep a lot because of nightmares. Reader often travels with Hamitch during the victor's tour. So one night after everyone is in bed, They fall asleep leaning on the door to Hamitch's room. When he opens the door like two minutes later (to get a drink or take a leak or whatever), he has to catch them. Reader is out cold so he brings them to his bed and comforts them when the nightmares start? THANK YOU

Thank you for requesting! Sorry it took so long to post! I love Haymitch! There isnt enough post about him!! Request are still open!!The nightmares were every night. They never seemed to stop. Every time she closed her eyes she seen the blood of the hunger games. She seen all those people she had to kill to survive. It took a piece of her every time she seen the her victims in her sleep.

Y/n was good friends with Haymitch. Some would tease the two saying they were more like a couple then they were friends. Y/n helped Haymitch out when it came to tributes. She helped give them advice. Telling them what they should and shouldnt do.

All day long she put on a brace face, but behind those strong (y/e/c) eyes were a little girl who was afraid of what was in her mind. A girl who couldnt go to sleep due to her own mind.

It was night time and once again Y/n couldnt sleep. She tried everything. Lavender, tea, medicines. Nothing ever seemed to worked. Y/n got out of her bed and started walking. Praying that it would help her get some sleep without any nightmares.

She walked into the kitchen in the train grabbing some water and was about to head to her room when she felt sleep all of a sudden. She knew she would pass out if she tried to make it to her room. So she just slid down the wall leaning against whatever so she could sleep.

A few minutes later she was woken by the wall behind her falling down and something catching her.

What are you doing sleeping against my door? Haymitch chuckled at the Y/s/t woman.

I fell asleep when I was on the way back to my room. Ill go now. I didnt mean to bother you. She said quickly trying to leave.

Y/n, I know about the nightmares. Why dont you just sleep in here with me. Haymitch Offered her with a soft friendly smile.

I dont know. I dont want to bother you.

Your not bothering me. Come on. He said softly, lightly grabbing her arms and pulling to the bed. Lifting the blanket for her to curl up in. Haymitch lied on the other side. Letting her curl up into his side comfortably.

Do you want to talk about the dreams? Haymitch asked as he caressed her soft (y/h/c) hair.

She took a shake exhale as she started.

I keep dreaming about the games. Seeing all the people I hurt and killed. Seeing how I hurt some of the people I cared about. She felt the tears prick at the corner of her eyes.

I just want the dreams to stop. They only stop if Im awake. Every time I close my eyes I see them. Haymitch nodded as he kissed her forehead pulling her as close as physically possible to her.

You can stay here as long as you need to. Ill keep the bad dreams away. Nobody can hurt you here. Not without going through me first.

Y/n smiled looking at the blue eyed man. Leaning forwards she pressed a soft kiss onto his plump chapped lips.

Thank you. She whispered. A little out of breath from the kiss.

Any time, sweetheart.

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