Comfort: The walking dead

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anonymous asked:

Could you please write Shane x Reader where Y/n is like the Dixons' best friend, always hanging out with them and Shane can't help but admire her from afar and when Merle goes missing he tries to comfort her fluffff

I apologize for taking so long in posting but here it is. Thanks for requesting! Ask are still open!

What the hell do you mean you hand cuffed Merle to the roof of a fucking building?! Y/n spat looking at the group who was a bit worried that Y/n would kill each and every one of them. She was best friends with the Dixons. She was friends before the turn. She loved the Dixons. Hell everyone knew she loved them like brothers. So when Merle was left on the roof in Atlanta they knew Y/n was gonna have a fit.

Y/n, you need to calm down. I know it sounds like we left him up there on purpose, but we didnt! Walkers were coming. T-dog was going to give him the key to uncuff him, but he dropped the key! Andrea ran her mouth but she knew she screw up saying they left him in the roof with walkers coming.

Im gonna kill your ass. Y/n gritted her teeth as she jumped at the blonde haired woman.

Y/n got a few good punches in. Andrea tried to fight her off, but Y/n was too strong for the blonde bitch. Andreas face was red and bruising. Her face was slowly swelling too.

Y/n, stop! Daryl pulled her off Andrea.

No, they left Merle to die! Hes your brother! And hes my best friend! Why the hell aint you fighting? Y/n asked as she pushed herself away from Daryl.

You can fuck off! All ya! Y/n exclaimed. Grabbing her gun and her bag and leaving the camp.

Everyone looked at Daryl seeing if he would do something. When he didnt they knew that they shouldnt go after her. But Shane didnt. Shane cared for Y/n and went after Y/n to make sure she wasnt gonna get hurt and to comfort her.

You know, usually when someone storms off. It means they wanna be alone. Y/n said as she stopped in her steps. Turning around to look at the deputy sheriff.

I know, but I cant let you just leave all by yourself hotheaded. Shane walker up closer to her putting a comforting hand on her shoulder.

Do you know why I care so much for them? Y/n asked talking about the two Dixon brothers.

No. He answered simply.

When I was a younger my folks ended up getting hurt in a car accident. Luckily I wasnt with them. But Merle and Daryl they made sure I was okay. They made sure I had everything I needed. They cared for me when I thought nobody did.

Shane nodded as he felt her relax against his touch.

Its gonna be okay. Theyre gonna go out tomorrow and bring him back. Merle may be in asshole, but hes smart and strong. He can get out of everything.

Y/n smiled nodding at the man.

He can that. Y/n said with a smile. Lets get back to the camp. Shane held out his hand to Y/n. Fine, but if Andrea or any of them run their mouth. I might hurt em. Shane chuckled as Y/n let him take her hand. I have no doubt about that.

Sorry it seems rushed. I dont know why I wrote it like this. But I hope you like it. ❤️🖤

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