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609 mother freaking words

warnings; cussing, pregnancy, not sure if that's warning, Fluffy as hell.

I cant Fucking see my feet! You groaned as you walked to your closet to get dressed for the day. You and your husband of two years had just woke up. Not that you wanted to, you were big pregnant, the baby, "The bun in the oven" as your friends had called it, was still "cooking". Has been for pass seven months. -Give or take a few days. The baby had woke you up by moving around a lot. You wouldn't have mind it if the baby didn't hit your freaking bladder.

Well, princess, that is vhat happens vhen your 7 months pregnant. You groaned as you searched through your closet for something that fits. Kurt laughed as he climbed out of bed, walking over to the closet where you were. You had just gotten out of the shower. Hoping to ease the pain in your lower back. You had a pair of underwear on and a sports bra. -You no longer wore actually bras, since your breast were way too tender for that.

I swear if you say something cute. I might hurt you. You say as you turn grabbed a pair of gray baggy sweat pants and a over sized white t-shirt. Turning around after you slipped the clothes on you starred daggers at your lover. He laughed as he looked down at you. His strong blue hands slightly rubbing the ever growing baby bump. Your Y/E/C eyes looked into his Yellow ones. His touch calming you just a little bit. I vasnt. I vas just going to say that in two more months ve vill have a beautiful baby here vith us. Dont think about not being able to see your feet, my love. Something vonderful is coming out of this. His German accent was thick in the early morning. As it usually is when he first wakes up.

The hormones were getting to you. Your Y/e/c eyes were glassy as you started to tear up. Im sorry Im being so dramatic. You cried as you tried to wipe the tears off of your Y/s/t face. He wrapped his strong arms around you and hugged you. Kissing your forehead and then his yellow eyes met your y/e/c ones. He smiled as he wiped the fallen tear off you cheek. "Let's go back to bed. It's still early. Plus we have a free day today. ve can spend it by staying in bed all day long if you vould like." You smiled and nodded. He grabbed your hand, pulling you back into the queen size bed. You laid down slipping under the covers as he slipped in the bed beside you. He wrapped his arms around you and his tail caressed your leg softly. Your head wresting on his chest as you traced the patterns along his blue bare chest.

"Do you think he vill have your eyes?" Kurt asked as looked at the celling, just thinking out loud as he spoke. You smiled as you looked up at your husband. "I hope he has your beautiful eyes." You've never seen him smile so quickly. You could've swore his face blushed, just a little bit. "Well, we'll see in a couple months." He spoke as he kissed the top of your head. You nodded as a yawn came out of you. "I think I could use a nap." "You just voke up." "Vhat a pregnant voman cannot take a nap?" You mimicked his accent which made him snort. "No, no, that's fine. Ve can nap. I do enjoy my naps as vell."

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