Its real hot in Georgia: The walking dead

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rick x reader where reader has heat exhaustion and he cools them off and puts them to bed after they pass out.

Thank you for requesting. Sorry it had taken so long to post. As I said before (which is really sorry excuse, but is the truth) my internet is not working and plus Im visiting family. So its hard trying to write, but Ill post when Im done. Thank you for being patient.

It was a scorching day in Georgia. The wind was being a jerk by not blowing. The sun seemed to be closer to the earth. It was just so hot it made everyone miserable.

Y/n walked out through the woods. She was on a medical supplies run for Hershel. Hershel was still taken care of Carl, making sure he doesnt rip any stitches from where Otis had accidentally shot Carl.

She had to walk a couple miles. She had ran out of water and was starting to stop sweating. She knew she was majorly dehydrated.

She praised God as soon as she seen the farm. She had a back pack full of medical supplies. The bag wasnt light either. It was pretty heavy since she stuffed as much medical supplies as she could into the bag.

She was out of breath and red face when she walked upon Hershels house. She was about to climb the stairs as she stubbled. Rick was at the door, he seen her face all red and noticed she was out of breath.

Y/n, are you okay?

Rick came out of the house and over to where Y/n was standing at the bottom of the stairs. Her arm draped over the rail her head on her arm trying to calm her breathing down.

She nodded as she looked up at the sheriff.

Im fine, I gotta get this stuff to Hershel. Y/n explained as she held onto the railing steading herself as she climbed the stairs.

Now, you arent. Y/n your worn out. Wheres your water? He asked. Rick helped her walk up the front stairs and up to the house. Walking her into the living room to sit down.

I ran out a couple miles ago. She spoke raspy as her throat was so dry.

Well, here! Rick said handing her a cold glass of water from the sink.

Thank you! She gasped as she chugged down the refreshing cold water.

Its not a problem. Rick smiled softly.

Shane, take this stuff to Hershel. I need to stay with Y/n. To make sure shes okay. Rick explained to his best friend that was lurking in the door way of the living room.

Rick stood up going over to the kitchen. He grabbed a rag from the cabinet and soaked it in cool water. He made sure it wasnt cold enough to shock her, but cold enough to cool her down.

Thank you so much Rick. I dont know what Id do without ya. Y/n smiled as she felt the refreshing rag placed on her forehead.

You aint gotta thank me. Rick mumbles as he came to sit beside her.

Rick smiled as he seen her soft smile on her soft pink lips.

A few minutes later Y/n slowly started drifting off to sleep. Rick picked her up softly to put her in a comfortable bed in a guest bedroom. -After asking Hershel remission.

Y/n is very grateful for Rick and everything he does for the group. But she didnt realize how much the group was grateful for her. And all she has done and sacrificed for them.

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