Humanity: the vampire diaries

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Hi :) Could you write enzo (tvd) x reader please? His girlfriend lost her humanity after someone she loved was killed, and enzo try everything he can for her to get it back (and succeeds)

Yes! Here it is!! ❤️🖤❤️

Request still open.

⚠️⚠️Warnings ⚠️⚠️ torcher, death, loss of humanity, sad, angst. Angsty with a happy ending?

Fandom: The vampire diaries

Pairing: Enzo x reader

Y/ns world crushed when her brother was killed by Damon Salvatore. Damon was being an asshole and decided he was going to kill some random person, just because Elena didnt want to be with him. He drained Y/ns brother dry of blood. What was worse was he knew it was Y/ns brother. He knew that Y/n was a friend of Elenas. That maybe if he killed her brother it would make Elena feel upset. But that wasnt the case.

Y/n walked into her house that she shared with her slightly younger brother. -he was only about a year or two younger than her.

Jackson! She called, sitting her bag on the sofa as she walked through the living room to the kitchen to grab a blood bag. - her brother knew she was a vampire.

Jack? Y/n asked as she noticed a puddle of blood on the hardwood floor in the kitchen.

Oh my god. Y/ns voice broke as she fell down beside her brother. Her arms wrapped around him as tears went down her face.

He was the last member of her family. All her other family either didnt talk to them or was dead.

Please, dont leave me. She cried as she held onto him.

She already knew was dead so she didnt even try to give him any of her blood.

Please! She sobbed into her brothers chest. She could see the two puncture wounds on his neck. She knew who did this, which made her sick to her stomach.

Dont leave me. Your the only thing I have left. She cried for hours until she couldnt no more. Her phone rang, but she never answered it. She couldnt pull herself away from her brothers cold dead body.

A couple hours later she heard knocking at the door, but didnt answer it. Whoever was knocking on the door let themselves in.

Y/n, love. You never answered my calls. Whats goin- Oh my god. What happen? Enzo asked as he bent down to H/n holding her brother.

He killed him. She cried holding onto her baby brother as if it would bring him back.

He knew if he hurt me he would hurt Elena. But he went to far, Enzo. She cried as she held on her brother tighter. Afraid to let go.

Damon did this? Enzo asked as he looked down at his girlfriend of 3 years.

She nodded as she wiped her teary eye.

Im going to make him pay. He whispered looking at Y/n. She shook her head as she looked down at her brother. He noticed her take a deep breath then close her eyes.

Y/n, Love. He started slowly as he noticed what she was doing.

Grabbing her shoulders he shook her.

Dont, y/n. Cutting it off isnt going to help not wont bring him back.

Y/n smirked as she opened her eyes back open. Her once bright y/e/c eyes were dark no emotion left in them.

No, but it will make it easier for me to kill Damon. With that she fled out the house to find Damon.

Enzo cursed as he grabbed his phone ringing Damon as fast as he could.

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