Supernatural avengers cross over

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Supernatural/avengers: part 2

Imagine Sam and Dean being like brothers to you and you always go on cases with them. But in one particular case in upstate New York, you run into someone from your past. Youre not quite sure if you want to leave this case.

Small series -part 2 of 5

Okay so where is this demon at? Y/n asked as she sat in the backseat of the Impala. Well, we got a call from a man named: Bruce. He said that there was smell of sulfur in his home. He said hes tried to figure out where the smell was coming from. but couldnt find it. So he called a friend who pointed him into our direction. Dean explained looking at Y/n from the rear view mirror.

Y/n went wide eyed as she looked at the oldest Winchester. Bruce? As in Doctor Bruce Banner?! She exclaimed as she looked between the two Winchester brothers. What, do you know him? Dean asked with a smug look on his face. Somewhat. He was dating my sister. Y/n said looking at dean while he went wide eyed. So you know what this means. Well run into my sister. She mumbled under her breath. Hey, but at least we get to meet your family. Sam said trying to look at the bright side of the problem.

A couple hours passed and the avenger tower was in view. It was crazy to be back here. To be at a place she used to call home. A place where it was both peaceful and not peaceful. Where she had to fake her death and leave her family.

So how are we going about this? Y/n asked Sam as they pulled on the side of the road. Well, they know were hunters. They said that they had a demon problem. So I guess like a normal case besides the fact they know that were hunters. Sam explained as he looked at Y/n. She nodded then they all got out of the Impala going into the avenger tower front lobby.

Y/n looked around smiling to herself. Everything was the same. It even had the same smell of leather and the calming smell of mint lavender. They walked around the lobby and went to the front desk. A woman sat there giving them a small smile. How can I help you? she asked looking at Sam and Dean. Y/n avoided anyone gaze. She didnt want to be identified by anyone that mightve known her before she died.

12th floor. Ill let Mr. Banner and Mr. Stark know you all are on the way. the woman said with a smile. They went into the elevator and pressed the 12th floor button. It smells like rich people in here. Dean said, making both Y/n and Sam snort out a laugh.

Well, Tony stark does own the building. Sam replied as he looked at his older brother. Y/n was about to say something as the silver doors of the elevator opened.

Hello? Dean called as they walked outside of the elevator. Hey. dean said as he saw Bruce banner come into the room. Hello, welcome to the avengers tower. He spoke softly. Y/n missed hearing the sound of her friends voice. She missed everything about her old life, well almost everything.

Hey, Y/n. Bruce said with a soft smile. Hey, Bruce. She said with a warm smile looking him over. You havent changed. He said looking over her. Well, I have an advantage. She said as she walked over to her friend giving him a friendly hug and a kiss on his cheek. How are things? She asked Bruce concerned. Everything fine, except for a few things. The lights have been flickering. The smell of sulfur. I asked Thor if he had gotten into any sulfur again but he said no. Um, a bunch of things to be honest with you.

Definitely something going on. Sam said as pointed to the device Dean was holding that was going crazy. Everyone has been worried about you. You never answered our calls. You just went off grid. Y/n sighed with a nod. I know, but everything with Hydra. I had to fake my death to make them stop following me. If they knew I was alive they would go out looking for me. They would kill people without even blinking an eye. I couldnt put everyone through that. Bruce nodded understanding what she was saying.

So whats the plan? Y/n asked Dean as she seen the lights flicker. We call the demon. Find who ever its possesses and exercise it. Sam explained as he heard the elevator ding as it opened. Y/n? Y/n turned around looking at Steve rogers, Bucky Barnes, and Thor the god of thunder. She smiled as they walked over to her. Each of them giving her a tight hug. I missed you guys. Ugh its been so long. She said as Bucky held her in his arms a little while longer. Ive missed you doll. More then you know. He said as he breathed her in. We have all missed you lady Y/n. Thor said as Bucky let go and he gave her a smile.

She smiled as she looked at Thor. Where is Jane? She asked as Steve was about to shake his head no. We broke up. Me and Lady jane. There was a brief pause before Sam cleared his throat.

Right, guys this is my friends Sam and Dean Winchester. Sam, Dean this is Captain Steve Rogers, Sargent James Barnes, You can call him Bucky. And Thor Odinson. Y/n introduced everyone. Nice to meet you both. Thor Bellowed as he gave each of Winchester a friendly hug. He does that. Y/n laughed. She was overjoyed to see her friends that she called her family.

Where is everyone else? Y/n asked looking at Steve as Dean and Sam stood beside her. They are in the meeting room. We got out early thank God. Steve explained. what are you guys doing here though. I mean Im glad your here dont get me wrong. But you faked your death saying you would never come back. Bucky asked looking at Y/n and the Winchesters.

Bruce called. He said you guys had a demon problem, and well, thats kinda our job. Dean explained as he tried to sit up straighter. Bucky hid a laugh behind a cough and nodded. He looked at Y/n and then the two brothers. Since when are you ghost busters? Steve asked looking at Y/n. Since when have you watched that movie, old man? She asked picking at her friend. Ive been hunting since I ran into a case. I got in the middle of a case, so I just went along with it. I continued to hunt. She explained, they all nodded when the lights flickered again. The air around them got freezing cold.

We should go find that demon, before it causes trouble. Sam said looking at his friend and then to the three superheros n front of him. It was nice to meet you all. They all gave them a smile. Nice to meet both of you. Steve said looking at Sam and Dean. See you guys later. Y/n said giving them a smile.

They nodded watching as she left them. I miss her. Thor said looking at Steve and Bucky as they walked into the kitchen. I know, I wonder what Nat and Clints gonna do when they find out shes here. Bucky said looking between Steve and Thor. I mean shes Natashas Sister; and Clint and her were friends almost like brother and sister. Steve and Thor nodded as they sat on the couch in the room. I hope that Nat doesnt freak out shes here. Thor and Bucky nodded agreeing to what Steve had said. Thats when they heard a scream. Y/n?

Stupid demons. I hate the stupid punk ass demons. She said as she picked herself up from the floor. The demon had just thrown her across the room. The demon was possessing a security guard, it decided it wanted revenge on the avengers for some reason.

Y/n picked herself off of the ground grabbing her demon knife and walking around the place trying to find the demon. You know when I found out that you were Natashas sister I have to say, I was shocked. The demon spoke through the security guard. She looked at the demon and shook her head. I was shocked, because I never knew that the black widow had a little sister. It was just all so shocking to me.

Y/n shook her head at the demon as she started the exorcism. Exoricizamus te omnis Immundus spiritus, Omnis satanica Potestas, Omnis incursio Infernalis adversarii, Omnis congregatio et secta diabolica. Ergo, Draco maledicte. Ut ecclesiam tuam secura tibi facias libertate servire, te rogamus, audi nos. She did the exorcism, the demon smoked out of the security guard. The man fell to the ground as the demon went back to where it belonged.

Y/n walked over to check on the man as everyone ran into the room. The demons gone. The man should be okay. Give him some IVs he needs some fluids. And get me some whiskey. She said as she looked at Dean and Sam who looked like proud older brothers.

Part two done!

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