the walking dead Shane walsh

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Based off this Request: (Https://

Word count: 3,776

A/n: I didn't mean to make it so sad, but somehow I did. What the hell is wrong with me?! Its kinda long to so..

I hope you like it. Sorry it took so long to post my computer was acting up and then my wi-fi was down. Hope you enjoy, request are still open!

warnings: Cussing, Zombie apocolypes, Not sure what else. Death

Fandom: The walking dead

Ships: Shane Walsh x reader

He was gone. We've been seperated ever since this started and he's back. I was so happy, I truly was, but I was starting something with Shane. He helped fill in that gaping hole my husband had left. He was gone, It hurt for months, but Shane helped me through it.

Andrea, T-dog, Jaqui, Merle, Glenn and _____ went out for supplies and got stuck. They weren't sure if they were going to be able to get back, but here they are. But with more people then they left with.

A man in a sheriffs uniform stepped out of the truck. Rick, Y/n assumed as she seen Carl and Lori run towards him. She felt sad, some where deep down she really wished it was her husband. Amy went to her sister hugging her tight. Feeling the weight of the world fall of her shoulders as soon as she seen her older sister.

She turned around, Shane right beside her, into Shanes arms she went. Seeking comfort by being held.

"I know, baby." Shane tried to comfort her.

She told him how she felt. She told him that she still loved her husband, and probably would always love her husband. But she knew she held feelings for Shane too. She felt like it was a hard thing to understand, but some how, some way, Shane understood.

At first she thought that Shane was just using her for sex, but he told her that he truly felt something for the woman. She was a little causious at first, but slowly let down her built wall.

Even though they were "together" she still kept her wedding rings on. She felt like it was betraying her husband if she took it off so soon.

"I'm sorry." Y/n apologized trying to pull away but Shane kept her close. He shook his head rubbing comforting circles on her lower back.

"You dont have to apologize. He was your husband. Y'all were together for years. And it's only been a few months. I understand you're still healing. It's okay." He whispered softly in her ear.

"Thank you." She whispered as she put her head in his shirt. He looked down at her confused.

"For what, sweet heart?" His southern accent making her heart flutter a little bit.

"For being so understandin' and for not forcing me to do anything I don't want to do." She explained as she looked into his brown eyes.

"Y/n?" She heard a voice, followed by the truck door slamming shut.

"Colby?" She whispered as she turned around. Turning around she seen her husband of five years. He looked a little diffrent: The same curly brown hair, but it was longer. He had a bit of stubble on his sharp jaw line. His white t-shirt, no longer white. But stained in crimson colored stains. She hoped and prayed didn't belong to him. His denim jeans were covered in blood stains and other stains.

"Oh my God, it really is you!" He excaliamed as he ran towards her. She met him in the middle running towards him.

"I can't believe this is real. I thought you were gone." She cried out as she started to shake from crying.

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