Your cold, in Georgia?: The walking dead

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Daryl x reader where reader becomes hypothermic and daryl freaks a little and warms them up.

Dear anon,

Thank you for requesting! Im so sorry that It has taken me so long to post this. My internet isnt working. (Which is a sorry excuse). Request are still opens and I hope you enjoy this request. Im working on the other two now. Ill post when I can. 🥺🥺❤️🖤

It was my fought I was catching hypothermia. It was, no matter how much Id like to blame it on someone else. It was my own fought.

It was the wee hours of the morning. The sun hadnt even came up yet. The frogs and crickets were still singing their nightly songs. Y/n could hear the whistle of the whip-pour-will in a near by tree. She loved living in the country. She enjoyed listening to all birds singing, and she enjoyed the crickets and frogs during a warm summer night.

Daryl, you ready? Y/n asked as she tied her boots.

Y/n and Daryl planes on leaving early in the morning to go hunting. They needed the food to supply their whole camp. Which was quite a few people.

Y/n and Daryl knew each other for years before the outbreak. Y/n went to the same school he did and they always hung around each other. They were both introverts, but they also had a temper. While Daryl was both introverted and had a hot temper. Y/n was outspoken, not in a bad way, but in a good way.

Im ready, got all your stuff? He questioned as she put a couple bottles of clean water in the book bag and an empty jug to feel to get water from the creek.

Yup! She said popping the p making the youngest Dixon brother smile.

ight, then lets get goin. Y/n followed beside Daryl as they walked through the woods finding a good stop to get their food.

They walked for a mile or so. Shooting some squirrels and rabbits that crossed their paths. But as the time went in the sun slowly started to rise. The sky was pink, making everything seem to have a pink filter.

Y/n held her bow in her hand. A arrow already notched so when she needed to shoot all she needed to do was pull back, aim, and fire. They were crossing the small stream and followed the foot prints of a deer.

They followed the deer prints to a small lake. Looking around the opening both Y/n and Daryl seem two deer. Both a reasonable size. Daryl loaded a bolt and crouched down. Y/n doing the same as she watched the deer.

Ill go for the one on the left you go for the one on the right. If we get both of them itll give us enough food for a long time. Y/n explained looking at Daryl waiting for him to either agree or disagree.

He nodded as moved over to the left.

We both need to shoot at the same time. If we go at two different times. One will get away. Y/n nodded as she pulled back her black compound bow. Her arrow was notched and she was aiming for the doe on the right.

Ready, one, two, and on three they let go and pulled the trigger. Both deers hit the ground. Y/n smiled happily as she and Daryl high fives each other. Happy theyre providing a meals for their group.

Alright, we need to get em back to camp. Y/n nodded looking Daryl waiting for what his plan was.

We gotta drag em or carry em. We didnt bring a vehicle. Y/n nodded as she grabbed a hand full or rope from her bag.

Good thing I always come prepared. Y/n was going to the deer she had shot and tried to pull the arrow out. But it was stuck. She tried to jerk it out , but it seemed to be stuck. With one more jerk it came out quickly. Making Y/n fall backwards into the deep water of the lake.

She gasped as she fell backwards into the water. The water was freezing. I mean, it felt like ice couldve been floating in the water. She tried to swim up to the surface, but something was holding her down.

Looking down the lake water stung her eyes. She seen something was holding her down but couldnt really tell what it was. She blinked her eyes a couple times and seen a rope of some kind was holding her down.

She tried to move her feet to get untangled from the water, but it was no use. She just kept getting tangled.

Grabbing her knife from her hip Y/n leaned down cutting the rope as fast as she could. Her lungs were aching for air and her body was freezing cold.

She finally freed herself from the rope and swam up to the surface.

There you are! Daryl grabbed her arm pulling her to the land.

I couldnt see you in the water! Daryl pulled her by her arm out the water and onto the ground.

You okay? He asked noting her pale face and Lips turning blue.

Y/n nodded as she shivered.

Im fine, we need to get the deer back to the camp. She told him as she tried to stand up.

Forget about the deer your gonna catch hympsthermia. Daryl shook his head as he watched her stand up.

Look, Daryl. I love you, but we need to get these deer to the camp so everyone has food. Then we can worry about me, okay?! Dayrl shook his head as he called her stubborn. Following her as she grabbed the rope and started pulling the deer.

It was about an hour later when they got back to the camp. Daryl noticed how Y/n was shivering and her lips were a tinted blue. Her skin was pale and cold.

He looked around frantically, trying to find a clean, dry blanket for her.

He noticed she had already changed her wet clothes, but she was still cold.

Here. He said as she held out a thick blanket. She breathed out a thank you as she took the blanket and pulled it around her tightly.

You worry me sometimes. I mean, I understand wantin to feed the camp, but sometimes you have to take care of yourself.

She nodded while Daryl pulled her into his side. Sharing his body heat.

I love you, Daryl. I hope you know I meant it when I said it earlier. She looked into his baby blue eyes.

He nodded as he kissed her forehead.

I know, I love you too.

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