Never the same once your gone

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(A/n) Sorry I have been gone for so long. My aunt died and I haven't been the same since. I am just a bit upset with the death of my aunt and I am just going through a lot right now. So sorry if me not posting upset you somehow. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Y/s/t- Your skin tone

Y/bf/n- Your boyfriends name

Y/n- your name



Hes dead because of me! Its not your fought.


2689 words

warning: Agony, angst, talks of torcher and blood lust, mentions of death, lost of humanity, sad klaus

She didn't deserve this. Caroline said as she watched her step-daughter through the window at the Salvatore boarding house holding. As Y/n held her dead fiancé in her arms. Y/n sobbed as she held him in her arms. He was murdered by someone Y/n knew, someone who hates Y/n. Stefan stood behind Caroline hugging her, trying to comfort the blonde vampire. Shell get better. Stefan said hugging Caroline as they watched outside the window looking at Stefans daughter.

Im so sorry, baby. Y/n sobbed as she kissed his pale white forehead. Its all my fought. Youre dead and its all my fought. I couldve stopped him, but I didn't. I had to help Elena instead, because she always needed help. Me being me helped her. I just shouldn't have. Y/n sobbed as she looked at her fiancé through tears. -Y/n was helping keep Elenas brother Jeremy safe from Klaus. When Klaus wasn't even after Jeremy, but rather Y/Bf/n. He wanted them to know he controlled them, and that's what he did. He control every single one of them like chess pieces. Im so sorry, baby. She cried into his chest trying to hear at least a heart beat again. Praying to God that this wasn't really happening, that it was just a bad dream. That she would wake up from in just a second. That he would be right beside her smiling as he held her. That she would be able to kiss his warm pink lips one more time, to hug him one last time. But its over, this is over between them two. He is dead now, because of her he is dead. She keeps repeating his death over and over again in her head. She watched in horror as Klaus ripped out the love of her life's heart. While her compelled step-mother and father held her back laughing at what was happening. Stefan and Caroline didn't want this to happen to Y/n, but they had no choice but to do it since they were compelled.

Caroline waked out of the boarding house to Y/n where she sat in the back yard holding onto Y/bf/n. She tried to not scare her, but was stopped by the sound of Y/ns broken voice. Its all my fought, mama. She said looking deep into the woods. I shouldve known better and been with him. I could have stopped Klaus. She said as she held onto Y/bf/n in her lap. I don't deserve happiness, I don't deserve to live, because its all my fought. Y/n said beginning to sob. Caroline started crying as she walked over to her broken step-daughter. No, honey. You couldn't have known this was going to happen. She said as she walked towards her. Yes, I could have! Y/n said raising her voice. He said we wouldn't be able to predict what was going to happen! Y/n scream as she got up from the cold grass to look at her step-mother. I could have, I should have known that he was going to do this! He hurts us over and over again! Every freaking time he gets away with it! Y/n exclaimed to her step-mother. Its my fought, because I didn't listen. Y/n said in a whisper shaking her head. Caroline shook her head no as she tried to get close to her step-daughter. Y/n held up her finger silently telling her step-mom to stay back. I cant do this. Y/n whispered as she backed away from her mom. Y/ns shirt covered in blood making Caroline gasp at how much blood there is on her daughter. Honey, its going to be okay. Caroline said as she tried to get close to her daughter. No, its not. Its never going to be okay! Y/n screamed looking at her mom shaking her head no. I cant Im done. Y/n said as she ran off.

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