The Daughter and a slayer: (SPN)

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A/n: This was a request I had received from my tumblr: @the-daily-mulit-fandom-post. I hope y'all like this.

9358 words later thank the lord I've finally finished! I hope you like this!

warnings: Cussing, Death, Vampires, Angst, sadness, idk what else.

The slayer and the daughter of Dean Winchester:

My name is Y/n Winchester. I know what you're thinking. 'Oh my Gosh, Winchester. Like Sam and Dean Winchester?' Yeah, Deans my dad, and Sams my Uncle. My mom left me on my dads door step 15 years ago. It was a one night stand mistake. She was a bar hooker and well, you know how that ends. (Should've wrapped it before he tapped it.) She left a note when she dropped me off at the doors of the bunker. It said,

"I can't have her. Not with the life I live. I can barely take care of myself much less a kid. I've seen how you and your brother are. I know you two can take care of her. Please don't call or try to reach out to me. I don't want to hear anything about her. I feel bad enough about it. I just want you to give her the life I never had." Yeah, very heart felt.

I was never a hunter. Dad and Uncle Sammy were to protective to let me hunt. They always tell me, "Kiddo, we've lost too much. We can't lose you too. We couldn't live with ourselves if you get hurt." I understood where they were coming from, but it sucked. I would get left behind. They never took breaks. It got lonely just to stay in the hotel room all day long. That is until one particular day when something strange happened.

Y/n was the smartest kid Dean and his brother, Sam had ever known. She was homeschooled, but if they had long hunts in a town Dean would put her in school. She was at the top of all her classes and was capable of doing anything she set her mind to.

Sometimes she would go to her uncle Bobbys. He treated her like she was a normal kid. He would play games with her. One time when she was little she and Bobby had a tea party. Y/n made Bobby wear a hot pink boa, a tiara, painted his nails purple. Dean may or may not have a picture of Bobby when he had passed out on the sofa.

Years went by and Y/n became a teenager. Her life was as normal as it can be with being a Winchester and all. But that is until a strange man walked up to her after school.

the night of the watcher-

Y/n walked out of her last period of school. She was glad the school day was over. She had enough homework and books in her bag it seemed to be ripping the seams.

Y/n was walking out to the black impala when a Brown haired man walked up to her. She looked at him confused as he stopped beside her.

"Hi, my name is Jackson." He started with a smile. His soft caramel eyes looking into her Y/e/c eyes. He seems to be only a few years younger than Sam and Dean.

"Y/n." She said shaking his hand. Her silver ring she purposely wore not burning the man.

"Can I help you?" She asked softly looking at the man confused at what he wanted.

"Well, Im your watcher. Im here to help you."He says it like Y/n is suppose to know what that meant.

"I was sent here because youre a slayer... a vampire slayer," he whispered softly as he smiled.

"Umm, I have no clue what your talking about." The man nodded as he walked with her to the Impala where her uncle sat reading something on his tablet and Dean watched them intently.

"Who's that?" Dean asked nodding over to you and Jackson walking over to the impala.

Sam looked up seeing you and Jackson waking over. "A boy," he gasped dramatically, clutching his heart.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2020 ⏰

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