30) Together. (Caught pt 3)

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You stood in front of his doorway, clutching your coat and holding the baby carrier in the snow. You knocked. He opened the door after a few seconds.
"You actually came!" He said happily. You rolled your eyes and walked in the house. He closed the door behind you. You set down the carrier in front of the fireplace. You sat down on the couch and fiddled with the end of your coat. Varian walked towards you with two cups. He handed you one and you took it. He sat down next to you. You took a sip and smiled softly.

"It's um... M-my famous hot cocoa that you loved so much." He smiled. You took another sip and sighed.

"What did you invite me for, Varian?" You asked sternly. He cringed a bit.

"I just... Want to see her again." He said softly, looking at the carrier. You stayed quiet for a moment.

"Please?" He begged. You nodded hesitantly. He walked over to the carrier and picked her up, walking back to the couch. He held her hand between his thumb and index finger. She opened her eyes and yawned.

"Hey, b/n!" He said quietly, bouncing his leg. She started to giggle. "It's your papa! Can you say papa?" He got close to her face. She softly squealed and held onto his nose. He laughed. She blew a raspberry. You smiled chuckled at them. He looked at you and smiled.

"You're gonna be a great mom, y/n."

"... Thanks." You looked away. You suddenly felt his hand on yours. You looked at your hands and then at him. He smiled.

"I mean it." He said. You smiled sweetly at him, pushing your hair behind your ear. He started to get closer to your face. You felt yourself getting close as well and you closed your eyes. Your lips softly interlocked and you quickly pulled away. He looked at you distraught.

"We... we have to go before the snow gets worse." You picked up the baby carrier and went to get your child. He gently pulled her away.

"Nononono please! Please stay. I-i'm sorry. I didn't- I-I wasn't-"

"Varian, give me my baby.", You reached for her. He grabbed your arm. You looked at him disgusted.


"Please. Stay the night. I promise I won't do anything- I just want my family here with me. I'm so lonely, y/n. Please?" You noticed that his eyes started to water.


"Please?" He begged one last time. You sighed.

"...We leave at noon tomorrow. That's it."

"Of course." He said. You sat down with your arms crossed. He continued to rock b/n in his arms.

"P-papa!" She giggled.

You looked at him and he looked back you with surprise. You both chuckled.

"That's right, snow flake! Papa!" He tickled under her neck and she laughed. You scooted closer and rested your head on his shoulder, giving b/n your finger. She squeezed it tightly and took Varian's finger as well. She looked at you both laughing.

"What's so funny, bunny?" You laughed.

"She's happy she has her family together." He said, looking at you. You smiled.


Bruh this stuff wholesome or whuteva this is like my favorite thing to write.

Fun fact: this was gonna be NSFW but I was like nah imma be Christian and I'm glad I took this route.

I wanna k*ss Varian's forehead

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