31) Silence

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This was requested by totaltrashmammal- won't let me @ you

Varian had known y/n for as long as he could remember.

She never spoke.

Never laughed.

Never cried.

Never complained.

Everyone just accepted that she was mute.

No one tried to make conversation with her since they obviously couldn't get an answer back.

Except Varian.

He never stopped trying to get her to speak.

Heck, he even showed her flash cards of words just in case she were mute or didn't know how to speak.

But it never worked.

He was one of the only people that stuck around, not only because he found her intriguing, but because she was good company as well.

He soon just accepted the fact that she just didn't want to talk.


"Y/n, can you pass me my drill?" He asked, holding out his hand. She gave him the drill.

"Thanks." He said, smiling at her. She only nodded. She started to walk around the machine he was creating, admiring it. He noticed and smiled.

"This baby is gonna help Rapunzel's parents remember their feelings for each other. I just.. hope it works." He tapped on the machine lightly and it felt apart within seconds. He sat there in awe, staring at the mess. He looked at y/n, who also stared at the mess. He sighed.

"Back to square one" he said, picking up his tools and going towards his desk and sitting down. Y/n followed and peeked over his shoulder as he sketched out a new design. Once he was finished, he showed her the drawing.

"What do you think?" he asked. She gave him a thumbs up. As he got up and started to walk towards the pile of metal, he felt himself trip over the leg of the chair and fall on his face. He lifted his head and felt his lip start to bleed.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah... Yeah I'm fi... W-WAIT A D A R N MINUTE!" He stood up and gripped y/n by her shoulders.

"You can speak?!" he exclaimed. She nodded.

"O-oh my gosh! You can speak! Haha!" He celebrated, dancing around the room happily. She snorted. He ran up to her.

"Do... you know my name?" He asked, holding her hands. She nodded.

"Can you... can you say it?" He held tighter.

"...Varian" she spoke quietly. His eyes brightened and he lifted her up, laughing. She laughed with him. She saw that he was starting to cry. He put her down and wiped his eyes. She wiped a tear from his cheek.

"W-why now though?" He asked, rubbing his eyes.

"I... trust you." She answered. He hugged her tightly.

"That's the best answer yet I could've ever ask for" He whispered. She smiled and hugged back, even tighter.


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