Chapter 33: Dark Times

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Part of this chapter is going to take place through Phoebe's POV. Aka it will be written in first person. Any "I"s or "Me"s will be referencing Phoebe.


Phoebe: -it began when I was fresh out of high school. Aizawa and I were still together by this point and we had our whole lives ahead of us. This was a time when the man actually smiled...

You: You're stalling

Phoebe: Right! Right... sorry. Anyways, I got a call originating from the city of Kensaki, requesting a Psychic hero.

~~~~~~~~~~~The Past~~~~~~~~~

I was at home with Aizawa when I got the call. The person on the line was some sort of city manager, I don't really remember, it's not important. What IS important is that there were threats from an unknown assailant saying that they were going to go on some sort of rampage.

They said the only way to stop said rampage was to bring a Psychic hero to city hall... so I was called.

I rushed to Kensaki as fast as I could with Aizawa in tow.

All was normal when we arrived. Nothing was off but... something nasty was lingering in the air.

My senses were screaming at me to evacuate everyone from the area and yet, I didn't listen to them. I didn't want to start a panic.

Soon after... the destruction started.

In almost the blink of an eye, the center of the city was in disarray. People were screaming and I had no idea what had happened.

My body took over trying to protect anyone I saw from an unknown threat that I couldn't see. Meanwhile, Aizawa was trying to locate whomever was causing the panic.

Then a car was launched at me. I swiftly swiped it away and was faced with Yato for the first time. I'll never forget the sheer hatred in his eyes.

Yato: This... all of this will be in the name of Psychics! Their blood, is on your hands!

I had no idea what he was talking about.

Yato was completely delusional, taken over by the raw anger inside of him. I could tell that he gave into his emotions.

Anything that was made of metal warped in his presence. I swear that even the iron in my bloodstream was going crazy.

Yato rushed at me and Aizawa with everything he had.

Innocent people got caught in the crossfire...

Halfway through our fight, Yato pulls out a phone and says 'freedom'. He presses a button on it and an explosion goes off, compleatly destroying city hall and everything around it.

The fucking psychopath killed three hundred people with the press of a single button...

And that's when I snapped too...

I let my anger rush through me like a lightning bolt.

From what Aizawa told me, I screamed out and completely lost it.

I don't remember anything that happened after wards. What I do remember is waking up in Aizawa's arms. He was bawling his eyes out and repeating my name over and over again.

Recovery teams and other heroes showed up when the situation was handled.

Yato was subdued and I was hospitalized...

All of this happened in the span of less than twenty minutes. In that time he killed four hundred people and injured eight hundred.

In twenty, excruciating, minutes.

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