Chapter 35.5: Yato Nashu; Psychic Psycopath

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[Villain File]

Name: Yato Nashu

Age: 29

Villain Persona: Unknown

Quirk: Psycic Powers (B Type)

Threat Level: Very High. Subdue on sight if possible.

History: Responsable for the Kensaki incident leading to the deaths of over three hundred.

- 6'4
- Bald
- Bulky Body Type
- Commonly seen wearing a baseball cap

Description: Yato displays high levels of intelligence as seen by his grades in school. He has a calm demeanor unless angered, in which he will lash out in fits of violent rage. Yato lived a relatively normal childhood with no signs of any malice durring his development. He stayed out of trouble and would resort to words to fix a problem. What caused his meltdown in Kensaki is still unknown to this day. The only responses he gives to the questions relating to Kensaki are cryptic statements about a Psychic's role in society. He seems to be motivated by the harrassment psychics endure and swears to one day "solve our issues".


Yato stands in an abandoned wearhouse with another man.

Moldy walls and rusted metal surrounds a desk Yato is overlooking.

Sitting at this desk was a man wearing oversized glasses and a white winter coat. He tinkers with one of the chrome devices.

Man: I don't think we can get this to go any father. I mean, the old woman died in less than a minute in an extremely efficient manner.

Yato: Are you sure? Because if not then I'll give you more time to work on it. I need the device ready to go against Phoebe but if it doesn't work, then all is lost.

Man: I'm pretty sure it done. I'll risk destroying it if I go too far. Without any blueprints to go off of, I have to play this all by ear. One mistake and we'd have to build from the ground up again.

Yato: Then it's settled.

Yato picks up the device and puts it together.

Yato: This is some impressive work my friend-

Man: - theres something else I need to tell you. It could be problematic...

Yato: Tell me.

Man: I believe that our storage site was broken into. I returned there to grab spare parts and one of the beta devices was missing.

Yato: Missing? As in stolen?

Man: Yes sir. No one else has access to the building other than you.

Yato: All For One... I bet he took it. He's got eyes everywhere so I've no doubt that he followed one of us there.

Man: I relocated everything as a precaution. And if I may say something, killing that associate wasn't a very good idea. I understand you that wanted to send a message to the Leauge of Villains, but angering All For One does our cause no favors.

Yato: That's a completely valid point. I'll admit that I let my anger get the best of me and I lashed out. You know how I get.

The man shuffles around some papers and shreads them.

Man: No evidence... no issues.

He stands up.

Yato: It was a pleasure working with you.

Man: Feelings mutual. I expect my pay by the end of the week.

The men bow to one another and take their leave, setting the warehouse on fire on the way out.


Yato picks up a newspaper and reads the head line.

Yato: 'Hosu city attacked by Villains and the Hero Killer.' Ha! I'm going to make Hosu look like a kids birthday party... but first, I have to deal with the Leauge of Villains. They're going to be a thorn in my side unless something is done-

Yato tightens the baseball cap on his head to ensure that his face was covered.

He looks behind him to watch a busy street full of people going about their lives.

Across the way, in a humble little ramen shop, sat you and Kirishima, talking about your internships.

Yato: -And you... you're going to help me young man. The cards of fate aren't in your favor.

He wraps up the newspaper and walks away with a smile on his face.

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