Chapter Forty-Six

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"I'm done with you" -Ally Parker 


A L L Y ' S  P O V

"If you put it that way, it makes sense, but if you look at it from my point of view-"

"Kiah you can't put a snake in your ex's pants, it doesn't work that way." I interrupt, trying not to laugh.

"I can do whatever the hell I want to. He completely mugged me off." I just shrugged and took another bite of my salad. "You did it again."

I look up, confused. "What did I do?"

"'You can't put a snake in your boyfriend's 'PANTS,' you talk so weirdly now, it's like your a completely different person." She explains, perplexed.

I ignore the comment and check my phone, looking at the time. "That's what happens when you spend almost a year in a different country."

She nods slowly, sipping on her iced coffee. "Well, now, you can do it." She instructs.

I look up from my plate with my eyebrows scrunched. "Do what?"

She reaches over the table nudges my shoulder. "I'll teach you how to be British again!" Kiah claims. "Don't worry dear, I've been a Brit my whole life." She finishes, taking my cup of tea to drink.

I take it back from her, "Are you forgetting that I, too, have been British my whole life?" I chuckle at her defeated and annoyed facial structure.

She runs a hand over her braids, sighing. "Look, Ally, I know you're trying your hardest, but you aren't you anymore. What happened when you went to North America?"

I sigh along with her, "A lot of shit happened in America."

I lived with a guy whose family owns a multibillion-dollar company. The guy was an ass to me. I met some great friends. Found out the guy wasn't an asshole. Sang at one of the most famous Galas in the world. Got a wonderful little puppy. Fell in love with the guy who used to despise me. I had a music contract start to form. I made love with the guy of my dreams, then had our sex tape shown to the world that we didn't even film. Decided that I couldn't handle the pressure and went back home.

Some may call me a coward, but I think it was a very wise decision to make.

I was brought back to reality when fingers started to snap in front of my face. "Ally. Babe, I think you've come down with a bug." Kaih wonders, concerned.

I shake my head and look out the window of the cafe. "I was just thinking, that's all."

She snorts, "Thinking, that's the first time in months I have seen you do any of that."

"Why do you mean?"

"I mean, you haven't been the same Ally. You've been shutting me out and treating me like you do when you see any random bloke on the street. You have been doing reckless things that I haven't seen you do ever before. What's going on?" She asks.

I shrug my shoulders. "I don't know. It's just a change and I'm still getting used to it." I slyly check the time once more.

She groans, rubbing her temples. "Staring at the clock isn't going to make the time go by faster, Ally."

I chuckle, "Well I think it does!" I insist, taking another bite of my muffin. Checking the time again to prove my point, the clock reads 7:30. "See," I responded showing her my phone screen.

I go up from my seat and picked up my drink and muffin wrapper, as I left the cafe I gave Kiah a kiss on the cheek. "Love you."

"Mhm." Kiah sounds sarcastically. "I guess I love you too, even though you abandoned me for your boyfriend."

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