File thirteen

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Izuku's grip tightened on the ball in his hand; He had to think of something and quick. Sweat started to form on his forehead as Aizawa's glare increased. An idea came to him as he went into a back stance and readied himself to throw the ball. Closing his eyes, he activated his quirk and ran threw every possible motion finding that would propel the ball the farthest. Once the ball had left his hand, izuku felt a migraine hit him . his arm almost automatically flew up to hold pressure onto his pounding temples to postpone the after-effects of his quirk. "Two hundred and fifty-seven meters" Aizawa tone was cold and almost disappointed, and to top it all off, an angry cry of "Deku" practically burned threw the greenite's ears. He turned his head towards the forsaken noise to see irritated, red eyes charging at him. Despite the fact that the hostile aura surrounds Aizawa, izuku figured he is better off next to him than exploded by bakugo, so he quickly pivoted on his foot and side passed towards the man dodging an explosion from bakugo and allowing a string of capture gear to grab said Pomeranian.

A tiny part of izuku almost pitied bakugo, as he took in the sight of the blond practically foaming at the mouth while being restrained. That didn't last for long as memories of continually being beaten within an inch of his life were retained, demolishing those feelings almost immediately. Walking back to the line up he tuned out most of what was going on around him and let the fake feint smile fade into an all to familiar emotionless mask. The students were talking amongst themselves and trying to cope with the new information their teacher was pouring onto them, something about an expulsion. Usually, izuku wouldn't let small things like disappointment or hate get to him, but once his quirk has been overused, he tends to drop his mental guard as an attempt to focus most of his will power on staying awake and upright.

The rest of the test seemed to rush by in a flash despite izukus attempts to study the students to find a possible traitor. So far, he could take one more person off the list of potential traitors, the one being a perverted little rodent named Mineta. The greenite tried multiple times to see the germ as a threat, but in the end, he could only point out the ways that his quirk should be used. Izuku was almost positive that he would be saved from expulsion by him. Izuku snapped back to attention as Aizawa put up the ranks, blinking a few times he let his eyes adjust to the light around. Out of the corner of his eye, he spotted all might hiding against the wall, no doubtable trying to watch the assessments to look for a successor. Sighing izuku directed his vision to the holographic scoreboard in front of him.

Seventeenth, the greenite almost had to stop himself from letting out a laugh. He was safe and could continue the case, he had worried over nothing. "As I said before, the lowest score would be expelled. Mineta your out, hand over your school ID" it was hushed, but izuku could have sworn he heard some of the girls cheering. Mineta started to cry after handing over the ID and continued to do so on his way off the campus. "As for the rest of you, always give it you're all. I will not hesitate to expel anyone of you I see as having no potential and a liability." The man's tired red eyes looked over the students before landing on izuku. " if you feel as if you are incapable of meeting my future standards, you are free to drop out, no one will blame you." Izuku schooled his face into a hardened glare in retaliation to the words directed at him. Aizawa's gaze lingered for a second and turned into something barely resembling amusement.

Aizawa excused the class allowing for all of izuku's pent up worry and stress to be relieved, which sounds like a good thing, but it was probably the worst thing to happen at that moment. Because of him putting off the effects of his quirk for so long the moment, he rested the headache and nausea hit him full force like a titan on steroids. His step was faltering slightly, which caught the attention of Aizawa, who stopped walking to make sure his student was ok. Izuku grabbed his head and ran his fingers into his curly locks. Despite his best efforts, izuku was forced down onto his knee to keep himself from falling. A few of the students caught sight of the situation and did what izuku would call a " staring and yelling at someone doesn't help the situation." Aizawa quickly rushed over and put his hand onto izukus back and flung the boy's arm over his shoulder steadying, the child. "The rest of you keep moving I'll take him to recovery girl" the students hesitated slightly before continuing on their way. Izuku gave a forced "thank you" to the man as they made their way to the infirmary.


Yo wassup yall hope ya had a good holiday, and if you want to ask me any questions regarding me or the fic feel free to ask away. Any way see ya later little readers

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