File Thirty-five

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Izuku was rather impressed with the terrain that had managed to be made in the last hour. Somehow the stadium grounds had expanded to allow for a large area containing a small mock city, forest-like area, and a stream.

Izuku had made sure to stand on the opposite side of the starting point as Hatsume so that they would be able to gather as many items as needed with fewer issues. He had the job of collecting any weapons he needed; meanwhile, Hatsume would dig through and find anything she deemed amusing.

izuku dug his back foot into the sand like footing and waited for Mic to start his count down. As he did so, two of the paintball guns in the center caught his attention. They were both almost exact replicas of his Glock 22s.


"I didn't get enough coffee for broken bones."

"Just start the count down."


The spectator's eyes seemed to focus onto the screens that were displaying the event due to trees blocking their view.




Izuku took off into a sprint racing alongside the other contestants. He could have sworn he saw Bakugo blow up the footing below a girl from class 1-B who had cut off the blond's path out of the corner of his eye. Once he made it to the pile of weaponry, the greenite had luckily been able to grab the two guns and a few magazines filled with the correct ammunition. Deciding that he would also have a high chance of running out of ammo, he grabbed two twin swords complete with a sheath and was also able to obtain SAP gloves, a five-inch knife with a leg sheath, and a military quality backpack.

Izuku quickly put the magazines in the backpack before running off towards the direction of the city area. Hatsume was trailing behind him by a good hundred feet or so, making sure that it wasn't blatantly obvious that they were teaming up together. He stopped at a slightly rundown would have been office building and entered it. He searched a moment before finding the stairs and climbing them up to the third floor.

After a few minutes, Hatsume had made it up to the same floor as him and set down a bag full of who knows what. izuku stared at her with an expression that begged for an explanation. a bright smile appeared on her face, "I was able to grab enough parts to make some new babies." Izuku's gaze was unchanging, "do you really have enough time for that." Hatsume laughed, "I have more than enough time."

"You may now start your attacks."

Izuku layer out the magazines he grabbed onto the table and double-checked them to make sure they were all full. Conveniently one of the mags he had caught was filled with blue paint rather than the red that the rest had so that he could put one of the blues at the end of the magazine to signal when he needed to change mags.

Hatsume had grabbed the gloves izuku had and decided to mess with them, modifying them to allow for an electric pulse to emit from them on impact from a punch. The vibration was too small to be felt by a human, but it would effectively scramble the sensors on the wrist band to allow for an instant kill. Izuku was ninety percent sure that messing with the wristbands was technically against the rules, though it hadn't been announced, so they were safe.

Deciding that it would be best to wait out the first part of the round, Izuku grabbed a chair and pulled it over to the stairs before sitting down with his ankles crossed and a gun in one hand. "How are my babies going to get publicity if you just sit there." Izuku shook his head at the mock whine in Hatsumes voice, "you'll get your publicity later on when we're part of the last eight." Hatsume nodded, satisfied before wandering into some room.

Going off of izukus estimation, forty students were remaining, which meant there were twenty teams. Using a rough estimate, the students should clash against one and another every thirty seconds to two minutes as the first twenty-six students are eliminated. He had about twelve minutes until someone would find his current location, then there will be fourteen remaining students. So he went about this most inevitably and took a nap.


izuku opened his eyes as he heard the front door to the building open, he stretched out his shoulders before double-checking the gun to make sure that it was in fact loaded and that he wouldn't look like an idiot shooting an unloaded gun. Solid footsteps that seemed to be caused by two people, including one that presumably had a mutation quirk that gave them some sort of tail.

The greenite tapped the fingers of his gun freehand impatiently, waiting for the intruders to make their way over to him. They were getting closer, and izuku couldn't help but smirk slightly as he stopped his tapping and begun to count down to their arrival mentally.




izuku rather lazily popped off two shots that hit the trespassers dead center over their hearts. They hesitated a second in shock before realizing what happened, grumbling to themselves about loosing and walking to the dead man zone with the help of the provided maps.

izuku was reasonably sure that he would have this section in the bag.

.. -- .--. . .-. ..-. . -.-. - .. --- -. / -.- . . .--. ... / -- . / - .-. -.-- .. -. --. --..-- / .- -. -.. / .. / .-- --- -. .----. - / ... - --- .--. / . ...- . -. / .. ..-. / .. / -.. --- / .- -.-. .... .. . ...- . / .. - .-.-.-

Hi, I'm really sorry about updating so late but ive been really busy and i hate to say this but i need to take a hiatus from this book and possibly start a new one. After 35 chapters ive started to use up all my current ideas and inspiration, ill probably work on somthing in a different fandom for a while but i promise that i will comeback and continue with this fic, it may take me a while but it will happen. I hope you understand, little readers.


p.s. thank you all for supporting me this far when i do comeback my writing will be stronger then ever.

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