file nineteen

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A few explosions sounded off as izuku slightly shifted his stance into something more relaxed, giving off an image of lax. Piercing bright light emitted down the hallway signaling that the blond had just turned the corner. izuku continued to walk forward, seemingly oblivious to the threat, which only angered the blond further. He stopped still when the other boy was directly in front of him and swinging a big right hook. izuku smirked under his mask, that was his first mistake. The move opened up the rest of his body to practically any attack. The greenite swiftly reached his hand up and caught the fist in a death grip. He then took his left knee and jabbed it as hard as he could into the boy's solar plexus knocking the air out of him. With his opponent dazed, he brought his right leg forward, and leg swept him, making the blond collapse.

bakugo gritted his teeth in pain and let out an almost inhuman growl and set off an explosion into izukus face. Ignoring him, izuku slipped into the guard and then pinned the boy's arms down, letting him move into an armbar. bakugo continued to produce explosion after explosion in vain as izuku had become practically immune to such abuse. izuku continued to push his hips up, forcing bakugo's arm to bend at an unnatural angle and almost break. "listen, Bakugo, I'm sorry, and I mean it" izuku muttered out while tying the red capture ribbon around the boy's hand.

izuku shifted out of position and stood onto his knees before flipping the fake villain over and hogtying and gagging him. Looking up to the clock, izuku realized that he still had thirteen minutes. He let out a small sigh and walked up to the second to the top floor. With bakugo now out of the way his job should be easy, Iida's fighting style relies too much on his quirk. If izuku could damage the boy's legs to any degree, he should be able to capture him and the bomb. As he was walking, izuku remembered an easier way to win.

Izuku grabbed the gun out o his right leg holster and loaded it with a specialized tranquilizer dart designed to imitate the speed of a bullet. He re-holstered it and grabbed one of the knives from his shoulder. Once he retched the floor, he quickly found out that the door was locked, so he did what any sane person would do. He kicked it down like the badass he is. Iida started o his length monologue of him being evil and whatnot. Izuku mentally faces palmed and the stupidity of his situation.

Taking his knife, he threw it at the boy's head just hard enough to damage and block his vision. Seizing his chance, he grabbed the Glock and aimed at the thigh where the material was thin enough to be pierced and fired the bullet. Iida let out a small wince on impact before swaying on his feet and falling onto the floor, unconscious. Izuku holstered the gun, walked up to the fake bomb, and placed his hand on it, signaling his win.

"THE HERO TEAM WINS" allmight boomed, but unlike with the other teams silence followed, there was no cheering of peers. Izuku shrugged his shoulders and made his way to the nurses office by her orders. A few medical bots paced by him, two of which were holding Iida up on a stretcher, recovery girl was definitely going to have his head for that. At least he kept his promise; for the most part, his face had slight damage. He should also get a grappling hook of some sort soon a head-on attack like that wouldn't work in an actual situation well.


another one down yee. i was woundering what's your guys favorite scene so far. any way as allway vote comment and ill see ya latter little readers.

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