File Thirty-three

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Izuku hummed in thought as he sat in his classes waiting room. There were going to be multiple rounds for the dodge ball event. Each round would consist of a class that was randomly split into two sides to be pit against each other. while these rounds would be going on, the different types were not allowed to view them, which was a double-edged sword and really sucked for Izuku. The balls that they would be using seemed to about the size of a standard dodgeball but was much harder and was reinforced, allowing for the competitors to use their quirks to their full advantage.

Allmight had talked about the American version once during training, and he seemed to be somewhat traumatized by the sheer amount of injuries that happened with a usual foam-like ball. With that in mind, it was slightly terrifying to think of what would happen when you added quirks and a solid ball to the mix.

His classmates were still rather unsociable to not just him but the entire class since they had determined that they would be pitted against each other and didn't want to be persuaded to not go easy on any of their friends. Uraraka, at some point, had stood on top of a table and announced that everyone was an enemy until sides were assigned. It was a rather childish thing to do, but at least she was having fun and 'getting into character.'

"And that's it for class 1B give them a round of applause folks; I haven't seen so many people step out of bounds in years. Anyway, finally, we have class 1A of the hero course. Let's see if they'll live up to their hype."

Izuku winced slightly at the loudness of Present Mic's voice. The man's quirk made him a walking speaker as it was they didn't need to give him a microphone on top of it.

The class made their way back out to the field and lined up in the middle of the stadium, anticipating to find out who was on what team.

Midnight climbed back up onto the stage and snapped her whip, signaling the board next to her to turn on. "Listen up, a lottery system will decide the teams, and you will be assigned to either the red team or blue team. When you have a team go over to Cementos, who will give you a headband signaling your team. The red team will be on the northern side of the court while the blue team will be on the southern side. If you don't have a compass on you, red is on the side closest to the announcement booth." As she finished speaking, the screen split in half one side red the other blue as names randomly popped onto it. Once the names had been selected, the students scrambled around to try to get a decent view of it. Izuku waited for a third of them to clear out before he was able to see the bored.

The red team consisted of Momo, Denki, Izuku, Tokoyami, Tsu, Iida, Koda, Jiro, Mineta, and Mina

The Blue team was Aoyama, Uraraka, Ojiro, Kirishima, Sato, Shouji, Sero, Todoroki, Toru, and Bakugo.

Izuku grabbed his headband and tied it around his bicep before joining his team. Once everyone was on their side of the court, six balls were placed on the line separating the two teams. Bakugo made eye contact with Izuku and snarled at him from the other side; apparently, he still had a grudge after the whole Heros vs. Villians match they had to do.


Izuku let out a small sigh as he realized that his eardrums would be blown out by Mic's commentary for the rest of the day.


Izuku moved into a front stance, "Mina, Iida, I want you two to grab the balls." The two nodded in response to him.


His two teammates sprinted and/or slid to the balls and were luckily able to grab three, Iida obtaining two of them. They would have been able to grab more, but Mina was thrown back by the force of one of Bakugo's explosions as he went for the ammo.

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