Chapter 7

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Rey woke up early in the morning as the sunshine right throw her window. Rey sighs and gets up, sitting straight, stretching her arms. Yawning at the time.

Before Rey knows it her mother came bursting into the room. "Sweetheart it's time to get dress, we are signing the peace treaty today, ". Rey drops her arms down and goes on her knees, " that quick, how is that possible that we just arrived and we are about to leave". Her mother sighs and goes to her closet finding her best dress before walking towards her daughter.

"Sweetheart we just came to sign a treaty not hang around, and these people are our enemies, we can't stay here it's dangerous," she says playing with Rey's hair. Then she pulled it to her nose and grins. "You stink, go shower". Rey chuckles and nods.

Kira starts to head out but before she blows a kiss towards Rey. Rey watches then the door close and she looks at her dress. She just arrived and she leaving, why? She knows why, but she wishes it wasn't that way. After that encounter with the prince, it made her blush like a cheery when she thought of him. But her smiles fade when she realized she was leaving.

Getting off the comfort of her bed which was the most comfortable thing she slept, not even her bed at home we're that soft.  Anyway, she walked towards her bathroom and pulls her white nightgown down over her head, and then she was completely naked. Walking to the time she pulls a string and a little gate opens, letting the water fall into the tub smoothly.

While it fills the tube to the amount Rey wanted it to be filled she let go of the string and the gate close, stopping the water from falling. Washing her hair, she grabbed the soap and rubbed it against her hair, her legs, her arms her stomach her back. Then she grabs her razor and started to shave her legs gently, not leaving a cut, her armpits, and her bottom part.

A princess always needs to be shaved and clean. Thank Ret relax in the tube letting her self be relaxed before she heads out to get dress and go to the meeting room where they will sign the treaty. But and then she remembers Ben. Ben. Rey can't get him out her mind and she can't just erase him from her mind.

Then that girl, Violet had to ruin things, where they almost kissed. She ruined things and started talking about how she was fuck by the prince, fuck by Ben. Her Ben. Rey felt anger and frustration, sure she didn't know Ben before but still, it was jealousy. That Violet was able to get laid and not her.

Though she had, once. It was a long time ago, but she wanted to know how it felt to be with a man. So she got down with her ex-boyfriend. But after that night he left her, and she didn't care she just wanted to know what it was like to have sex. And he didn't impress her. Not even a second.

But just think of Ben, makes her want to be in his arms, on his bed, screaming his name. Being taken away from the world by him and just feel like she was being pulled apart. Slowly Rey brought her fingers down to her clit and enter it inside of her. Rey closed her eyes and imagine it was Ben. Putting another finger in, she moans his name.

This isn't something Rey does, but at the moment she wishes she could at least have him inside of her. Rubbing her clit Rey enters another finger and groans. Her mouth opens and started to thrust her fingers in and out of her. So close to cum a knock was heard from the bathroom. Rey pulled her finger out of herself and got out the water. Grabbing her robe she places it on herself and heads to the door.

Opening it, she finds Rose all dressed up, all fancy looking. "Hi, your mother told me to help you get dress, I'm here". Rey smiles and lets her in. Rose walks in and heads to her Rey bed, grabbing her dress and let it lay down on the bed before it gets all wrinkly.

Rey heads to grab her comb and brush her hair, then she put a towel around her head, hoping her hair would dry faster. "Okay this dress is beautiful but you need nice jewelry to go with it, I will go check your box".  Rey nods and sits down on the bed. She still couldn't believe what she was doing to herself in the bathroom. Finally shaking her thoughts out of her head she finds Rose walking back.

"This is it. Okay, let's get you ready".

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