Chapter 20

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"Rose please be careful," Rey says. Rose nods. "I will, I promise," Rose says. They gave each other another hug for a long time. On the other side, Finn was saying goodbye to Ben and Poe. "Ach-To okay, good luck we cover for you," Ben says. Finn beings his friends to a bone-crushing hug and then walks to Rey.

"Take care of Rose, please," Rey says. Finn nods, "I will, I promise" he whispered. Rey pulls away and looks at the castle. "We should go," Finn says. Rose nods and runs back to his Rey. "Goodbye my friend, " Rey says. Rose nods and let's go of Rey. Walking to the carriage Finn helps Rose get on it and puts a blanket over her.

"Bye guess," Finn says. Rey nods and waves bye. Rey watched as the carriage started to move away from her hidden more in the dark, despairing in the dark night. As they left Ben turns around to look at Rey but she was gone.

Going back inside to see if he could get to her. And he did. Running towards her he grabbed her arm and pulled her to face him. "Rey wait up please it's been a week can we talk, let me explain to you," he says. Rey gently pulled her arm away from him and looks away, then she slightly nods. Ben sighs and smiles. "Tomorrow, in the garden at noon" Rey says before she walks away from him.


Rey was waiting for Ben out in the garden. It was a pretty day. Warm, and with soft winds blowing.

But still calm. It was a nice sky. Blue with white clouds and a bright yellow colored sun. The sun could make your legs warm, but Rey didn't mind. She just wanted to get things over with faster.

Suddenly she found Ben walking towards her. Rey looks up and sighs. Ben looks down at Rey's eyes and bites his lip thinking about what he was going to say. A few moments of silence Rey decide to speak. "I just want an explanation". Ben nods " you are going to get one, can I sit down," he asked.

Rey nods and moves to a corner. Walking towards the bench he sits down and looks at Rey, who was staring down at the ground. "Rey, what happened with me and Violet, ' could we not use her name', okay what happened with me and her, it was all her plan".

"What is that supposed to mean".  "It means that she just went into my room when I was in a bad state," Ben says. "What do you mean in a bad state"? Rey decided to look at Ben, then he put his hand on top of hers. "I was drunk, after you left I took everything rough and got drunk, she noticed and took advantage".

"Are you lying?" Rey asked. Ben shook his head. "No, I'm not". Rey gets up and walks back and forth. " I just, I can't believe you". Rey turns her back to him folding her arms beneath her chest. Ben gets up and walks to her, gently putting his hands on her shoulder.

"Rey please look at me, I promise I am telling you the truth". Rey closes her eyes and turns to face Ben. Forcibly making herself look up at Ben she melts into those dark eyes of eyes. "Why did you get drunk" Rey asked. "Again, I was upset, I didn't know what to do, I was embarrassed, ".

Rey sighs and puts her hands on her hips." What happened to Violet" Rey asked. Ben rolls his eyes "I fired her, and made sure she stay silent". " how"? Ben rolls his eyes " I paid her so she could move to Chandrila, start a life there". "Do you care about her, " Rey asked. Ben sighs and looks at her. "It's not that I care about her, she needed to go somewhere better than here, or where she lives which is with her dad and he, not the fatherly type we all accepted do have". Rey nods and making a face that made Bens's heartbreak.
Gently grabbing her hand he made Reg look at him. "Rey, I want to be with you, I chose you, I don't need to be king anymore, I could run away with you, we could be together, just like we wanted to". Rey shakes her head. "Ben, I need to be queen, I have a future for my kingdoms, a plan to make it better, Ben you have a duty too, to take care of your kingdoms".

"But we can't be together Rey I love you, You know that". Rey slowly lets her eyes look up at Bens. "Ben, I overheard our parents talking, the treaty is coming in a few days, in like two days, there nothing we could do now, so let's just forget about each other". " no," Ben says quickly after Rey said what she needed to say.

"Rey I'm willing to fight for you, I love you and I want to be with you only you, do you understand, and no one, I mean no one can change that, not even the most beautiful person in the world, but I don't have to worry because you are the most beautiful person that ever lived," Ben says as Rey started to cry.

Putting his hands on Rey's cheeks, he slowly rubbed her lips with her thumb. "I can't, we can't, keep doing this" Rey says. He nods "I know you love your kingdom, you love your family, do you love me," he asked. Rey bites her lips and looks into his dark eyes. "I do".

He smilies " I love you too, This is the only way we could be together, Rey let's go," he says. Rey knew it was her only chance. To be with him, start a new life with him. But her kingdom, her family. What if war started. It was all going to be their fault.

"War will start, and what about your family, your mother your father you will never see them again," Rey says. He nods "I know and I will miss them, but if I have you then nothing else will matter, and with the war, I don't know, we will have time to figure it out," he says. Rey looks at Ben and feels safe. When she looks at been, the fells safe. When he touches her she feels safe.

Thinking about what he said, she realizes that her heart wants to say yes. Looking around, seeing no one was around Rey faces Ben before she leans up and kisses his lips. Ben felt Rey's arms wrap around his waist pull him closer. After ten seconds, Rey pulls away from his lips and looks up at Ben's eyes.

"I'll go, I will," She says nodding. Ben looks at her in disbelief before he smiles and nods "we are going". " yeah, we are," Rey says smiling too. Putting her hands on his, she rubs them and nods. "We are going to Ach-To". Ben smilies. And leans down to kiss her.

Rey melts into his lips and breathes out from her nose until Ben pulls away. "I want to do this right if we are starting a life together," he says. Rey goggles and watches Ben pull out an object from his pocket. A nice shining ring appeared in front of Rey's sight and she froze.

"Ben"? He nods. Going down on one knee Ben, gently grabbing Rey's hand and kisses it. "Rey, please marry me, Please, be mines forever," he says. Rey nods and grabs a hold of Bens shirt pulling him up to kiss him. Ben pulled Rey closer and slide the ring onto her finger before wrapping his arms around her.

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