Chapter 30

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It's been lots of walking, tons of walking in fact. Rey was so tired and hungry but Ben kept her awake.

Walking on their bare feet. The group of people, jaws people took away their shoes and the gold bracelet Rey had. The kyber necklace and ring, so as their wedding rings, both Rey and Ben made sure they didn't take that away for a fact. So instead they took the shoes and made them walk as their punishment and it was painful.

Rey looks at the group of people as they eat through the cooked horse. The horse that Rey sat on and kissed and loved. She snarls and keeps walking till it was sunrise when they made it to a so-called place Takodona. Rey stared at the place. It was beautiful. Very beautiful in fact, as if it was a place for good people. And those people with them are far from good.

Ben looked over at Rey, seeing how she studied the place, but also saw how tired she was. He promised to protect her, but no, he couldn't this time. "Keep walking," they said in their native language. Rey did as said, Ben was the only one confused. Ben knew many languages but Rey knew more than him.

As they made their way in the city, they notice they were headed to the castle. It was confusing. Very confusing. Rey never knew there was another kingdom nearby. But she has heard of others. But they were usually very very far from her kingdoms. Making their way to the castle they climb the steps and felt a cold sensation against their feet.

"Keep moving". As they walked Ben turn to face Rey. He could tell she was about to collapse, and it was all his fault. He just wishes he could cover her wounds with words of love. As they kept walking, they realized everyone was staring at them, as if they were very valuable. Well, of course, their royal. That what made Rey worried.

A whole bunch of questions filled her mind. Where are they going to sell her back to her kingdom? Sell her? Sell Him? Kill them? It worried her. But once they made it to the front of the huge door that's when she lost it. Afraid to go in. But Ben was there. He grabs a hold of her hand and gives her an okay look, making the girl feel much better.

Opening the door, both Ben and Rey were pulled to the front of the room where they found a short woman sitting on a throne. They could see one of the natives walking up to her and whispering to her until she turned and face the two who were now in front of her not far from where she was standing.

Walking do the couple she sighs and has a sorry look on their faces. " I am so sorry about this, hello I'm Maz Kanta I'm the leader of this city," she says. She looks at the other natives and they walked over to Rey and Ben, cutting the rope off their wrist.

Rey looks up at Maz and watches as she orders another native to look for a way to get them back to Palpatines kingdom in their native language but Rey shales her head and grabs their attention, "no we don't want to go back to Palpatines kingdom, we just escaped" Rey says. Maz looks at her confused and pulls Rey's bracelet out from the bag that has the couple's belongings.

"Only royalty, generals and nobles can afford such expansive from the Palpatines Kingdom, and looking at that dress you are wearing only people from the castle wears such fabric, you are from noble blood, why would noble blood want to escape from a kingdom that's basically theirs," Maz says.

Rey shuts her mouth and faces Ben. Maz sees how Rey looks at Ben and she grins. "I see why". Ben turns to face the old lady " look we just need help we are trying to get to Ach-To, can you please help us, we really need to get there as soon as possible".

"What's your name," Maz asked. Ben faces Rey and she nods. "I'm Ben Organa Solo Skywalker," he says. Extending his hand Rey grabs it and he turns to face Maz "and this is Rey Palpatine". They suddenly hear mumbling from the crowds and gasps.

"Wait isn't Skywalker's and Palpatines enemies, and just sign a peace treaty to prevent war," Maz says confused. Both of them nod. "They announced that there will be starting war not so long ago" someone yelled. Maz nods, "I heard of that too, I was confused at first but now I see why, ".

Rey sighs and bites her lips hoping for the best. "We could really use your help". Maz shrugs her shoulder. " I could help, or I could trade you guys back to your kingdoms and see if we get some value out of it," Maz says. "NO" both Ben and Rey yelled. Ben started to argue with Maz, hoping she could listen to his reasoning and that she could change her mind. But Rey, she was panicking.

Rey was worried that if she was taking back not only would they harm Ben and Her but her mother. Her mother was an accomplice. Law states that if anyone breaks the law they shall be beheaded as well but it was noble blood then, and of course they wouldn't do that instead, a long term of imprisonment and removal from any sort of section that deals with running the kingdom will be done. But her mother isn't noble blood, she could be beheaded any moment just for helping the two. Not even the wife of noble blood could help her case.

It all seems to put Rey down, all that pressure could just squash the girl to the ground. All of a sudden Rey felt her whole world go dark but the last thing he felt was dropping to a pair of strong warm arms.

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