Chapter 34

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Rey was laying down on the bed as she stared at the ceiling. Ben was busy keeping the room warm. He tried to light as many candles and kept the fire on.

Rey sighs and puts her hand on her belly. She has noticed that her stomach was getting a little bigger well harder. She chuckles and sits up to call Ben. Ben gets up and walks towards her. Going down on one knee he looks up at Rey. "What happened, my love," he says.

Rey looks at him and shakes her head. "Nothing I just wanted you to be with me," Rey says. Ben chuckles and leans up towards Rey lips laying her down on her back against the bed. Going over her, Rey felt relieved and safe. It was like like if she was with Ben at any moment it would solve all her problems.

Pulling away from her lips Ben looks down at Rey and smiles. "It's going to be okay, we see going to Ach-To, and we are going to raise our child other, this locating you won't last a day, we be back in the light in no time," he says. Rey nods and pulls Ben back to her lips.


Seven Months Later

"You looked everywhere for the princess and you haven't found her it's obvious that she not here, not the prince so will you please leave my village and head back to your kingdom," Maz says. Maz stares at the taller, stronger built soldier in front of her and shudders ad she felt another sensation of cold.

It was winter. And in Takodona it gets very cold. Snow starts to fall the lake freeze up, where once was warm is no an ice-cold cube. But with the cold temperatures and snow, Takodona is still very beautiful.

"We have word from the king, he says we can't remove soldiers or deny all acts until we located his granddaughter," the tall man says. Maz sighs and shakes her head, "my people are afraid and they are uncomfortable with soldiers staying at their home, for what, to take advantage of wife's and daughter".

"Well, Kanta the king says we are allowed to do whatever we please, even to sleep with the children of the villagers, and with the princess," He says. Maz watches as the soldier walks away from her and Maz quickly walks towards the castle.


Ben was trying to keep the room warm, but the more he tired the colder it got. He turned to face Rey who was coughing. Walking towards her, he gently put his hand on her cheek and massaged her forehead with his thumb.

"My head hurts Ben," Rey says. Ben nods and leans to kiss her cheek before he extends his arm to grab the cup of tea that was by Rey side and help her take a sip of the drink. "Relax okay, just drink," he says. Rey nods as she shakes underneath the never-ending pile of blankets.

Rey slowly closes her eyes and sighs trying to go to sleep. She wanted to sleep, but when she worked up she wanted the nightmare to end. Ben watched as she depicted off to sleep and he kissed her cheek before laying his hand on her grown belly, where his child is growing.

"Ben". Ben turned to face where the noise came from and found Maz standing there, covering her arms with a blanket and she was carrying a basket with food, clothing, blankets and other supplies. Ben walks toward Maz and she hands him the basket and he quickly runs back to Rey putting more blankets on his pregnant wife.

"Ben I was hoping I would speak to you," she says. Ben doesn't turn to face Maz, he stays looking at Rey hoping she gets warm. "What is it Maz, I have to watch Rey, she very sick," Ben says. Maz nods. "I know, I'm here to help, just please listen to me," Maz says. Ben nods still not turning away from Rey.

"The soldiers are not leaving until the princess is found and I want you guys to be safe but I also want my people to be safe... They are rapping children, they are sleeping with the wives and my people are in pain, as much as I want to help you two, I also have to help my people and they are looking at me as the enemy because they know In hiding you guys, and I'm not the enemy of my village" Maz says.

Ben shivers a little and gently pulls the strain of hair that was in front of Rey's face behind her ear. "I am having a child Maz, I need your help, it very cold and the lake is all frozen, we can't even make it to Ach-To even if we wanted to". Maz sighs and walks closer to Ben. "I want to help as well but these innocent children, girls less than six, losing their innocence to a bunch of killers, starvation, and unfairness to all my people, you think I want that," Maz says.

Ben finally turns to face Maz and he started to think about what to do. Of course, he carried about Maz and her people but he cared for his child and wife as well. The weather that was happening is something everyone wants to stay away from. Especially a sick and pregnant person.

Ben was worried about the dangers that were yet to come their way. For the three of them. "We have to go". Both Maz and Been turn to face Rey as she slowly turned to lay on her back. Ben went over to her and prevented her from sitting up. "Rey we can't leave, you are not in good health and the baby-", " the baby will be fine, I promise, I'm fine, Ben we caused too much pain, we need to leave," Rey said.

Ben shakes his head. "No, no we need to stay, we have to wait till the baby comes we can't leave," Ben says. Rey slightly smiles." Yes we could and I will, we both will, but just promise me that we will never be pulled away from each" Rey says. Ben nods and leans to kiss her "I promise, I will never leave you, ". Rey smiles and gently lays her hand on his cheek. Ben chuckles and turns to Maz.

"We'll leave at first light tomorrow," Ben says. Maz nods and walks toward Rey. "I'm sorry, but my people-"," I understand Maz I could never hurt other people especially children". Rey trust to face Ben and she extended her hand for Ben to hold it. Ben grab a hold of her hand and kissed it making Rey feel much better.

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