Chapter 16

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"Mother". Rey runs toward her mother and embraces her with a bone-crushing hug. She returns the hug and kisses her daughter's forehead. Rey sees her dad coming out of the carriage and she runs up to him.

Grabbing her, he lifts her off the ground and spun her around. Ben watches his princess looking happy after a rough day she had. Being hurt that Hux came back and most likely hurting Rose. But seeing her happy makes him happy. Then he sees his mother and heads towards her.

"Oh, I'm glad your okay," she says hugging him. Ben smiles and looks up to find his father there waiting to get a hug. Finally able to hug his father Ben looks over his shoulder to see Rey bowing before Palpatine. She told him he wasn't a hugger. She wasn't lying.


"Operations to get Hux out of our lives is a go," Rey says turning to Ben, Finn, and Poe. They all stared at her surprised that a princess would say such a thing. But Ben jaw closed and turn to a smile "you are so cute".

Rey smiles and leans up to kiss him before anyone could see them. "Alright our plan is to make Hux lose his temper and then he will be sent back to Coruscant where he is in jail until the day I die," Rey says. The three boys were scared, but Ben just started to chuckle when Rey turns around.

Poe goes up to Rey "how are you not scared of her"? Ben looks at him and pats his shoulder " I am, but when she kisses me are does that adorable smile I don't care" he says walking away from his friends. Finn chuckles and walks pass Poe leaving him shocked.

As they make their way to the castle Finn walks closer to Rey and whispered "no one is getting hurt right" he asked. Rey nods "no one is getting hurt, Hux might want to hurt us so we need to be careful".

They kept walking but couldn't find him anywhere " where the hell is HUX". Rey says. "Rey, calm down," Ben says. Rey turns around and faces Ben. "No, I want him gone, ". " and he will be gone, Rose is going to be okay just like you want," he says.

Rey smiles "I wish I could kiss you right now but there a lot of people". " me too" he whispered. "Okay let's find Hux" Finn interrupted them. Rey nods and the kept walking until they hear a scream coming there way. Turning around they see Rose biting her arm and scream against it.

She looks up and sees her friend and she quickly pulls the arm away from her. "Hey, guys what up". "You weren't there to help me get to dress this morning, can't I have an answer," Rey says. Rose hides her arm behind her back and starts to nervously laugh "oh well I was helping Hux unpack his things you know".

" when does Hux help," Rey says. "Several times," Rose says. Rose eyes turn to Finn who was looking at the ground. Rose's eyes went down as well and cleared her throat "well you excuse me I'm am going to take a walk in the garden". She walks away from the group and lets out her tears.

Finn looks up to Ben and sighs " let's find Hux".


Rose was staring at the pond and let's put a huge sigh trying to fonts in her tears. Sitting on the hard stone bench she tries to get herself together.  But she just chokes up on them sobbing louder. Looking down at her arm where she previously bit, she grabs the cloth and wipes the blood away which was cause be her very own teeth.

"ROSE". She looks up and sees the redheaded men face turn red. She gets up and Hux marches his way to her. "Why are you here and not on the bed, I said when I get back I wanted you laying on your back," he yells.

"I was trying to find R..." He slaps her across the face. Rose stumbles and falls to the ground. Picking her up again, he slaps her across the face again but the opposite side dropping her on the ground once again.

"You don't plan with me Rose, I told you that got would regret it," he says. Raising his arm Rose winced crawling away until Hux arm was yanked away. Turning to see Rey who pulled his arm. "Don't get into this you bitch" he yells. He throws Rey to the ground next to Rose, but she scratched herself with the stone bench.

"You'll regret bitch" he yells. "Not as much as you," Ben says from behind. Hux turns around and Ben punch Hux on the cheek then Finn punches him in the nose and Poe extends his leg making Hux lose his balance and fall into the pond.

Ben walks over to Rey to check her elbow while Finn tries to calm Rose down. Poe went to call for help. Returning with guards, Palpatines and the Solos were following.

"What is happening," Leia asks. "Rey". Rey looks up to see her father coming her way. Going down to her knees he trying to see what to do with the cut in her arm, looks up at Ben " what did you do" he asks. Ben shakes his head but Rey pulls her dad's arm "it wasn't him it was Hux, he was hitting Rose and I jumped in, he was trying to help".

Dan looks at his daughter and helps her up kissing her forehead he walks to Rose and checks on Rose seeing if she was okay. She may not be his daughter but he loved her like she was his own blood. "Rey, Rose, follow me, I'm going to take you to the medical room," Leia says.

They nod and watch as the guards pull Hux away. With his bloody nose and ruined wet hair, it made Rose feel better than she ever had.  As he left her sight Rose turns to face Finn and smiles at him before she and Rey followed Leia.

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