Chapter 23

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Two days. Two days since Ben last say the love of his life. Two days since he had lost Rey. His beautiful Rey. Closing his eyes tears started to stream down his face.

He has been locked in his room, not allowed to leave the room. And his window. It has been blocked by strong metal. They only thing that walked in and out of his room was the maid who brought his food. But what she brings in is what she beings out. Ben refused to eat.

He knew Rey would arrive at her palace that day, at that moment. How he'd wish he could be with Rey. Hold her, crease her and run away with her. All he could have done. All he could have had. All he wanted was a future with Rey.


"You lied, you dishonor us and you broke the law, I'm ashamed and disappointed," Dan said pulling Rey to her room. They arrived at the castle not so long ago and the first thing Dan did was pull to her chambers.

Rey cried and his grip got harder, opening the door of her room he threw her into the room, making her fall to the ground hard. "My daughter would never do such a thing, and that's why you are no longer my child" he yells closing the door. Rey watched as he shut the door when she heard keys clinking against the door.

"No, Father". Rey crawled to the door and tried to open it. Even locking her door and unlocking it, it wouldn't open. Rey sighs and slides down to the ground crying on the ground. She missed Ben. She needed Ben. Two days since he last told her he loved her.

Looking down at her cloth, she realized it was the same dress she got married in. But it was rip and not the clean white it once was. Rey looked up at her window and she ran towards it. Opening it up, she looked down and she froze. She didn't even know she was afraid of heights until that very moment. Rey shut her eyes and tried to gather all her strength.

"Whatever you are trying to do it not going to teach Rey what she did" Rey heard from outside her room. It was her mother's voice. Taking her hands off the edge of the window she slides to stand up.

"Kira, I don't know what to do, my daughter, the one I made, the one I watch grow up, everything I taught her, raised her to be was just thrown away, I didn't teach her to break the law, to betray her kingdom, to sleep with the prince our sworn enemies family, that is not the daughter I raised, ".

"But locking her up, refusing to call her your daughter, this, this isn't the way she going to learn not even pulling her hair or beating her, and I did slap her but I was mad, but I wouldn't beat her till she realizes the mistake she made, not like my parents who did exactly that to me," Kira said.

Rey looks down. She heard her mother's stories of her parents. Her parents used her to gain a family name, honor mostly for money. And when they had a ball to find the prince (her father) a bride. He chose her mother. They fall in love and instead of letting her family into the castle, they send them away. Only her siblings were allowed to stay, but they all died in an accident.

Just think about what she been through, how her mother treated her differently from the way her family treated her and in the end disappointing her just made Rey feel guilty. But she wouldn't change a thing. She loves Ben and she wouldn't betray the love she has for him. Ever.

Shockingly the door started to sound and Rey quickly shut the window and ran to her bed. In the end, it was her mother only. Walking towards Rey, Kira wiped away the tears that were streaming down her cheek. Staring at her young daughter and smiles. Rey was confused about why she smiled. It just doesn't seem to be right, wasn't she mad Rey asked to herself.

"Rey may I lay down with you," Kira asked. Rey nods and watches as her mother laid her back against the bed, resting her head on the pillow. "You know I always had this dream that I could talk to you about boys, but I never seen you date anyone, you never told me, I wanted to know about your first love, and you found him but he's gone," she says.

Rey shakes her head "where is this going"? Kira turns her body sideways to look at Rey. "Can you tell me about the prince, this is the only chance I have, and I may not agree with that relationship you had with him I still as a mother want to know about these things". Rey stares at her mother and chuckles.

"What do you want to know," Rey asked while she looked down at her fingers. Kira smiles "how's he like, with you, how he treats you". Rey closes her eyes and sighs. "He a kind boy, he treats me right, protects me, he knows the food I like, Ben is so smart, and I miss him". Kira sits up and hugs her daughter.

Rey started to sob against her mother's shoulders. Kirs strokes her hair down with her hands and kisses Rey's cheek. "I want to see him, mom, I want to see him"  Rey cries. Rey pulls away from her mom and wipes her tears, sniffing to clear her nose. But for this question, she needs an answer.

"Is there really war"? Kira looks at her daughter before she nods. "We are starting to command our soldiers to get ready, we expect a letter from the Skywalker kingdoms in a few days". Rey gasps and shakes her head. "No, no, grandfather can't be serious, it can't be true mom, please there has to be a way to fix this" Rey started to sob, laying down on her bed ruling into a ball.

Kira shuts her eyes and leans down to kiss her daughter's shoulder. Pulling away she gets off the bed standing, looking down at her daughter. "Rey, I love you, and your father does love you, and your grandfather, I don't know but he does care about you, and please Rey, please understand that if anything happens to you I am going to go mad, so please take care of yourself please," Kira says.

Rey looks at her mother and nods. Kira turns around and walks towards the door, walking out. The good shuts and then the clinking sounds of keys were heard again. Rey sighs and digs her hand into her pillow pulling out her stuff bunny. Putting it against her chest she shuts her eyes trying to sleep, to get away from all of the mess she has caused.

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