Chapter 36

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Ben was suddenly awakened by the light of a big sun hitting his eyes. He felt the waves rock the boat one side to the other. And felt Rey's warm breath against his chest.

Looking down at her he slowly pulled her off his chest and laid her down on a bag that was holding his head before. Sitting up straight, he looked around them and grab a bottle of water, drinking some before he puts it down.

Looking at the see ahead of him, he grabs the piddles and adjusted them before he grabs a hold of the map. Looking at where they are, he starts to row to the Island just hours away. His arms were burning as he rolled them around, trying to grow towards their future.

All of a sudden he felt something touch his thigh and he turns to face Rey as she moves slightly to her side. He goes back to pay attention to where he was headed. It wasn't as cold as it used to be. He hoped. Rey was getting better though which made the man feel relief and happy for once.

Ben rowed his way to the island where his future awaits and that maybe, his uncle would help them both.


Rey stared at her plate of food. It was fish that was cooked in the little fire Ben made. It was already night and he still rowed way. Rey chewed through to fried fish as she shivered from the cold that evening. Ben helps Rey by covering her with another layer of a blanket. She turns to face Ben and she smiled, "thanks".

Ben nods and wraps his arm around her. She puts the plates and lays her head on his should. "When till we get to the island," Rey asked. "A few hours, don't worry we will be fine I promise," He says. Rey bites her lips.

"And what if we're not," she asked. "Then you must count on me, and hopefully I find another solution," he says. Rey chuckles and leans up to kiss his cheek. "Just relax, and rest, you and the baby need it," he says. "We will, promise Ben, I know you'll take care of us," Rey said. Ben chuckles and kisses her forehead before he looks back on the sea, leading them closer to the island.


Ben helped Rey off the boat as he settled the boat by land. Grabbing her hand he slowly and gently helps her on the land before he takes all their belongings.

Turning to face Rey, he smiles and the started to climb the stairs up the hill of the island where he hoped his uncle would be. Rey looked around and nods "seems to be a decent please to raise our child," Rey said.

Ben agreed before he looked back to the path. Making his way up they see an old man sitting on a stone in front of a hut. He was meditating and was breathing in and out like he was waiting for someone. Ben stared at his uncle as he opens his eyes and looked up at his nephew.

Like looked at him and shook his head "I don't believe it, " he says. Ben nods and grabs Rey hand before he walks towards his uncle. "we need your help, this is Rey Palpatine my wife" he says. He turns to face Rey ,"she having my child uncle and we need help".

Luke stares at the girl with a worried look, "I know she your wife" he said. Ben looks at him confused and pulls Rey closer to him. "What do you mean uncle," Ben asked. "Your parents came earlier, I'm sorry," he says.

The next thing the couple knew, guards appeared out of nowhere and surrounded the couple making sure they wouldn't have a space to escape their circle.

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